so was this. subpoenas, requests for depositions, interrogatories. all courtesy of mr. hahn and his new client, christine collins. i thought this was supposed to go away. this is an election year, i can't afford this kind of press. i'm afraid falling on his sword and saying he made a mistake isn't going to be good enough, chief. if we take him out of the picture for a while, it might help calm things down until the hearing's finished. there are several people on the council who are planning to run against me, and they'd love to accuse me of allowing a renegade police force to operate with impunity. our friends in the press are having a field day with this mess. i'm getting five hundred phone calls, letters and telegrams a day demanding to know what the hell is going on at city hall that we allow our police force to brutalize women and misplace children. christ, all this picture needs now is for somebody to kick a puppy for the cameras. this is a train, chief, and we need to either get in front of it, or be run over by it. i do. and you know where i stand. so the question is. are we going to stand together. or hang together? cheer up, chief. that little show should take the wind out of their sails. by monday, this issue will be as cold as yesterday's fish. never underestimate the public's lack of attention and potential for apathy. old news is dead news, you'll see.