overheated, that's all. she'll be fine in a bit. northcott ranch. oh yeah. you're almost there. follow this west for about two, three miles. then the next right. that'll bring you right to it. something going on? i'd like a ticket to canada. alberta or vancouver, whatever's leaving tonight. that'll be fine. one way. vancouver. yeah, i surely do. time to go. there you are, we've been looking for you like mad. sure thing. your folks, they got in an accident. they sent us to find you. they're hurt real bad. the police took 'em to the hospital, but they didn't have time to come find you, so we said we'd do it. now come on, hurry. we gotta get to the hospital, see your folks. good boy! now hold on, it's a long drive and we gotta fly. hi, sis. got in a couple of days ago, figured i'd surprise you. that okay? where's that little niece of mine? good. need to talk to him about staying on for a few days. listen, can i use your bathroom? it's been a long ride and i could use a shower. i'm feeling fine. well, i didn't, did i? didn't know anyone wanted me until just recently. didn't even try. my luggage still has my initials on it. no, but i figured it would be best if i stayed out of it. no comment. hey. i saw you in the papers. you got a lot of moxie, standing up to the police like that. not guilty, your honor. yeah, i want to make a statement. i want to make it real clear that i never once got a fair shake from you, your "honor," or this court. the only one of you here worth a goddamn is her -- -- 'cause she's the only one never badmouthed me to the press. she understands what it is when the police frame you for something you didn't do and throw you in the hole. isn't that right? i want you to know, mrs. collins, i never killed your boy. i -- don't suppose you've got a cigarette? that's where they do it, you know. that building right over there. the hangings. ten o'clock tonight, i get to see what's inside. i hear there's thirteen steps going up to the gallows'cause thirteen is unlucky. helps make sure you're gonna go to hell when you die. but i got 'em beat. i outsmarted 'em. they're gonna let me have whatever i want for dinner. got a steak coming, with spinach, mashed potatoes and green beans. i always wondered why they did that whole last meal thing. one of the other guys on death row said when you take the drop, you foul yourself, and everything you ate. comes out the other end. so maybe that's why they make sure you got something in you when it happens. they like knowing you fouled yourself on the way to -- sure you don't got a cigarette? the warden, clinton duffy, he's a good guy. he's writing a book about all the death sentences he's carried out in this place. says it's called "eighty-eight men and two women." beats my record all to hell. yeah. yeah, you are. but see, the thing is, i didn't think you'd really come, and now -- i didn't expect. i don't want to see you. i can't do this. i can't talk to you. not today, not tonight, not with what they're going to do to me. it's one thing to send a telegram, that's easy, but right now, right here, in person, i -- i can't tell you what you want to hear, mrs. collins. i can't, i can't -- because i don't want to die with a lie on my lips! i did my penance, i asked god to forgive me for my sins. and i've been good, ever since. if i commit a sin now, if i lie now. i'm out of time, i can't be forgiven again. i don't want to go to hell -- get away from me. i don't know anything about it! i'm innocent! guard! guard! no. nothing. i kept clean after i confessed, reverend. just like i said i would. will it. will it hurt? please. not so fast. don't make me walk so fast! thirteen steps. thirteen steps. but i didn't touch all of 'em, you bastards. i didn't touch all of 'em! a prayer! please, somebody, say a prayer for me! silent night. holy night. all is calm. all is bright. round yon virgin mother and child. holy infant so tender and mild -- shut up! i'll see you boys later.