name? certifying officer? if you continue to struggle i'll have to put you in a straitjacket. do you want that? good. then behave yourself. code twelve. take off your clothes. physical examination, body cavity search and de-lousing. required for all new patients. you can remove your clothes yourself, or i can have the orderlies do it for you. which do you prefer? spread your legs. wider. inside. this is your room. the doctor's left for the day. he'll see you in the morning. sorry. phone privileges are earned by good behavior. you're not allowed newspapers, magazines, radio, books or sharp objects. this is for your own good. breakfast is half an hour. down the hall. the doctor will call for you when he's ready. go or stay, either way i lock the door. orderly -- -- we can force-feed it to you if that's what you want. sir, please -- the doctor wants to see you. yes? may i -- i'm sorry, but the doctor in charge won't be in until tomorrow morning and --