what difference does it make now? what? wait, i. i want to talk to the officer who brought me in. please. it's important. look, i -- this isn't easy, okay? my cousin's gordon northcott. he owns the ranch where you found me. he let me live there in exchange for watching the place when he was gone, doing chores, stuff like that. said i could stay on as long as i wanted to. i figured that also meant i could leave whenever i wanted to, but he wouldn't let me. no. no, it's nothing like that. listen to me, please. he said -- he said that if i tried to leave, he'd kill me! him and me. me and gordon, we. . we killed some kids. i didn't mean to, i swear. he made me help him, said if i didn't he'd kill me, too. please, you gotta help me. i'm scared. i don't want to go to hell for killing kids. i don't know. i never knew their names. all together? about. twenty, i guess. no, it's true, i swear! yeah. thereabouts. i kinda stopped counting after a while, and gordon said one or two might've gotten away, but -- we did. yeah, we did that. most times we'd bring back just one or two. sometimes as many as three. i always knew when he was getting ready 'cause he'd go through the car and clean it up, make sure the tires were good, the engine. he was always afraid something'd break down and we'd be caught. we'd go a different direction every time, never hit the same part of town twice. sometimes we'd go for hours, just driving around, until we found somebody. he'd use all kinds of different stories. sometimes he'd say he had free tickets for the circus, or he was looking for a lost dog. that one worked real good. other days -- a lot of kids won't get in a car alone with a stranger, but when he's got a kid there with him, that made it easier. they'd look to me, and figure if i was safe, they would be too. that's why he needed me, see? it's okay. come on in. every time they got in the truck, it was like i wanted to die. then, as soon as we got back to the ranch. they went in the coop. some days he'd do 'em right off. other days, he'd wait, pick up a few more, keep 'em in the coop until he had like four or five, 'cause -- -- 'cause he liked to hear 'em scream all at once. like they were some kinda chorus. and then. and then. sometimes. sometimes he'd leave one or two of 'em alive. barely anyway. and tell me. finish 'em. finish 'em. or i'll finish you. and i did. i did. oh god. oh, sweet jesus. i killed 'em. i killed 'em. i killed 'em.