mrs. collins. dr. jonathan steele. please, have a seat. i hope your stay has been comfortable so far. really? i'd think it would be quite difficult at first. i see they took a blood test. the idea that someone thinks you should be checked for syphilis. did that upset you? yes. exactly. standard procedure. we have to cover all bases, and -- according to your file, you believe the police have substituted a fake boy for your son. is that true? that's strange. you see, i have here a newspaper article with a photo of you at the train station, welcoming your son home. that is you in the photo, isn't it? so at first he was your son, but now he's not your son. has this been going on for a long time? people. changing, becoming something other than what they are? you don't think people change? and the police. they're not out to persecute you? the police are here to protect us. that's odd, because according to the head nurse, when you were admitted you accused the police of conspiring to do this deliberately, to punish you. so either she and the interns are also conspiring against you. or you're changing your story. do you often have trouble telling reality from fantasy, mrs. collins? i heard. i understand. come with me. there's nothing wrong with you. you're fine. then you shouldn't have any trouble signing this. by signing, you certify that you were wrong when you stated the boy returned by the police was not your son. it further stipulates that the police acted properly in sending you here for observation and absolves them of all responsibility for -- then your condition is not improved. sign it, and you can be out of here first thing tomorrow. mrs. collins, you're becoming agitated. orderly! the patient is disturbed, hyperactive and is threatening the staff. see to it she is properly sedated. stay out of this! this is none of your business! this is police business! you'll stay out of it if you know what's good for you! you'd think you had enough trouble with the law just being a whore, wouldn't you? attacking a staff member. room eighteen. electro-convulsive therapy. privacy, please. i see you've still been refusing medication, requiring force-feeding. i see they switched to a rubber tube. i hear that can quite uncomfortable. six days, mrs. collins, and no progress. we may have to go to more. strenuous therapies. unless you're willing to prove you're doing better. by signing this. room eighteen. i'm head doctor on duty. what's the problem? sorry, we don't discuss our cases with anyone other than family -- sir -- mrs. collins. one last time. are you, or are you not, prepared to sign that letter? you're free to go. your clothes are in the next room. you can change there. that's right. see to it. christ.