ladies and gentlemen. can i have your attention, please. there are nearly one thousand people gathered in this chamber, more than have ever been in this room before. i therefore ask you to refrain from demonstrations of any kind. we're all here because we want to find out the real facts in this case, and everybody is going to be heard if we have to sit here for a week. that's odd. we specifically stipulated that we would begin our hearings with testimony from the police department. are there any representatives of the police commission in the room? is chief davis here? is captain jones here? is there anyone here representing the police? are you telling me they directly violated the wishes of the city council? that they refused to attend a vital hearing so they could conduct a routine inspection in san pedro? and what the hell is jones doing at an inspection after being suspended? i hate to call a recess before we've even started, but i think a few phone calls are in order. so we'll take a half hour break, then continue with the witnesses who have appeared here today. but let it be known that captain jones and police chief davis will be subpoenaed and required to appear here tomorrow morning. this meeting will now come to order. this committee has now heard all of the testimony, and in light of the facts presented, issues the following statement. while the city council has no power to directly remove commissioners or second, we recommend that the suspension of captain jones be made permanent. third, that steps be taken to investigate a change in the prevailing laws and procedures by