what'd they do, lose a moose? all right, i'll take it, got nothing better to do. problem? listen, could you give me a hand? i'm trying to find a place called the northcott ranch, up by wineville. just looking into a juvenile matter. thanks for the help. hello? anybody home? this is the police. i have a warrant for a minor named sanford clark. open the door and stand aside. stop it! stop it or i'll push your face through the floor! on your feet. jesus. what the hell's wrong with you? don't you know assaulting a cop is against the law? we're just sending you back to canada, son, it isn't the end of the world. you can't just stay in the u.s. as long as you want, pal. we've got a orders to send you back home, and -- didn't know canada was that funny. it's all right, i'll just see what he has to say so i can go home and get dry. where is he? it's raining cats, dogs and democrats out there, so this better be worth it. well? nothing is. are you saying he held you prisoner? bull. when i got to the ranch you were running around free as a jaybird. could've left any time you wanted. so what's this, some kind of story to cover why you were in the country illegally? because i don't have time for -- what? what did he -- okay, lets start at the beginning. what did he make you do? what kids? how many kids? you're lying. twenty kids. nobody can just up and kill twenty kids -- how? these. uhm. these kids. do you think. if you saw them again, do you think you'd recognize them? just a second. i haven't updated these in a while, but still, it should be. just go through. and if you see any faces you recognize, put it on the table. shit. the name on the back of the photo is walter collins. sir, i -- with all due respect, sir, i don't think so. you didn't see him, the kid's scared half out of his mind -- sir, if you'd just listen -- sir, department policy requires that all allegations of homicide have to be investigated. and these are kids, for chrissakes -- all right, let's go. it's all right, i'll take it from here. we need him for questioning. come on. you two. you've just been requisitioned for backup. i'll explain on the way. all right. show me. this it? you're sure? dig. you put 'em in the ground, you can take 'em out of the ground. go on. call it in. get the coroner and every officer in a twenty mile radius here inside the hour. you can stop now, son. you can stop now. it's over. we can take it from here. it's over. tough. what's your name? walter collins is dead. look, let me explain something to you. because of your lies, you've ruined a woman's life embarrassed the police department, and got the whole city up in arms over this. all right, if that's how you want it, then i guess we're done here. tell county jail we're remanding him for trial. i told you, the real walter collins was murdered. by pretending to be walter collins, you're interfering in a police investigation of a kidnapping and murder. we can try you as an accomplice to murder after the fact. too bad. county jail is a lot worse than juvenile hall or a foster home. a lot worse. sanford clark is a kid, too. fifteen. but he's going to jail. all murderers and their accomplices go to jail. everyone knows that. get him out of here. it's out of my hands now. prove it. arthur hutchins. the boy's real name is arthur hutchins junior, age twelve, a runaway from cedar rapids, iowa. checks out. the report was filed by his divorced mother, who lives in clinton, iowa with the boy's grandmother. apparently he didn't like living with the old lady, she didn't let him get away with the stuff he usually got away with, and one day. he up and left. just some drifter. the boy was hungry, ran into this guy who said he knew how to get some food and not have to pay for it. only when they finished, he left the kid behind while he cut out. when the police picked him up, they started going through the wire reports about missing kids -- bingo. i asked him the same question. all right, so after you got into the car, what happened next? were there other boys present? did you speak to them? do you remember any of their names? walter. do you remember his last name? so if you only remember some of the names of the rest, how come you remember his full name? and that's the last you saw of him? so you don't know if either of the other two were captured? what happened after that? why didn't you tell anyone what had happened? why not? so what made you come forward now, after all this time? still can't believe it. five years, case closed, everyone thinks he's dead. and there he is. you don't think he's still out there, do you? what's that?