do you have a warrant? there's where your shit out of luck because i don't need to speak to you. huh? you don't look like much of a detective. charming. save your breath. i really don't care. why don't we can the chit-chat. get to what's on your mind. no shit? why should i? you may want to put a leash on him. saying i did want to help. i'm still suspended or did that slip your mind? just like that? always a catch. you mean ex-partner. for a moment there, i thought you cared. i appreciate the words of encouragement and the confidence you have in me. i look forward to the continuing, positive relationship we've shared in the past. i'll give you two. blow me. if you need a follow-up comment let me know? cunt made her career off me. teddy, vincent. . nice to see you both. i was not responsible. fuck you. look who's talking about destroying lives. i'm going to miss him. you're just a wealth of knowledge, aren't you? i'm sure it won't be the last. get me a line into the bank. let's see what they really want. who am i speaking with? okay, lorenz, how are we doing in there? can we get you anything? food, medical supplies. we heard an explosion. my fame proceeds me. i was, but i'm back. you're information's old. yes. someone's dead? what else will i be looking for? safe to say. lorenz. wait, we're talking here. try again. try again. where's our fearless captain? so you're here in his place. nicotine gum. caffeine, too, if you must know. what? a man's capable of change. don't worry, i still have a vice or two. try again in five. precisely. he knows police protocol, not to mention the shit in our own precinct. he's disguising his voice, means he's got a record and has done this before. he's heavily armed and well-connected. he knows he's surrounded. he hasn't asked for a damned thing. he drops that hint about sunrise, prepping us for a long wait. he's buying time. why? probably thought it would take the whole day for you to find me. giving him the time he needs. or. he's got what he came for and he's waiting for his ticket out of here. we're going in. the bank has three points of entry. teddy and vincent, take a swat team, head to the west side. we'll have the swat commander take the east. dekker, you're with me. where is the swat commander? you questioning me, teddy? i question how you can fuck that asshole and still manage to look in the mirror. the hostages are in imminent danger. they've confessed to killing someone, an automatic murder one charge - that's a life sentence, maybe a needle for all of them. so why keep witnesses around to testify? longer we wait, the greater the risk. we need to go in. now. what's the best way in? hold on. no explosives. i got forty civilians in there, too great a chance. any other way? what if we cut the power? that will disable the system and we can open the locks manually, come in that way? so we'll take the pussy way, commander. we cut the power and go in at 11:15 sharp! it will be over before that. commander, your men in position? i will call for the power to be cut. once down, wait for my signal and enter. no one moves until i give the "go", understood? you have done this before, right? wait. i don't want to know. let's go around the horn. here we go. cut the power. doors! hold it. what just happened? no. do not go in. it's a trap! sonofabitch! the rest of you, come with us. we split up. you two with him. you two with me. check the back. see anyone come your way? we let them walk right past us. shit! i want background checks on every hostage. they're all suspects until they're not. after this, nothing would surprise me. what's with this one? so we can't id them. they're long gone by then. go to the head of the tapes, from when they first went in. document each move they've made for the two hours they were inside. have vincent check it out. shit. feds. what does that mean? this is all real fascinating shit, but what about the money? bank robbers still like cash, don't they? depends, are we talking about your sex life? because i've heard shortcomings. you came to me. i didn't ask for this. you wanted this to happen. you don't say. what? try that again? that'll be all. you're a college boy. which one? someplace i've heard of or one of those inbred state schools no one's heard of? not exactly princeton, but not bad. how did you end up on the force? family business? what, your dad, dad's dad and so on and so back? you've grown on me. besides, i am entrusting my life to you. i should know something about you. i would you don't say that with much enthusiasm. listen, my reputation often proceeds me. you, however, have no reputation; a fact i need to deal with. after you've been through the shit i have, then you can judge me. now. we can try to work together, make the best of a bad situation or we can compare dick sizes all day. up to you. but since this is your first day here. today. mine's bigger. go. lastly. i don't like the pac-10. it's overrated. i'm an ivy league guy. well, that explains you. got an address? step back. clear the door. now. i'm fine. he wakes, they call. hey quincy, give it a rest, i'm fine. i should do a lot of things. i'm fine. no. of course she doesn't. vincent! have'em put ms. lopez in interrogation one and turn the a. c on full. leave her alone and cold. let me know when her nipples can cut glass. your father was harry dekker? that was some fancy riding. you have a bike? somebody going on a trip? marnie, you're looking well. can we get back to work? is that new? do you remember who headed up the pacific savings case? no reason. just thinking out loud. when you said it was your "family business" i didn't think. i guess i just didn't connect the dots. your father was a hero. at first i thought maybe you were related to the captain. the captain, he just kind of "discovered" you. through the academy, to excellent evaluation reports, while that's how he found me. maybe we're not as different as you think. we found the money. that money came from our evidence room. so, where were you going? this isn't possession or solicitation, gina. this is felony-murder one. you could get life. it's "i didn't do anything." "didn't do nothing" is a double negative, infers the positive. the grammar in this country sucks. this isn't going away. you want to walk out of here, you tell me something. now. you sure that's what you want? fine. then it's two phone calls i'll make. the first will be to the public defender's office. the second to children's services. it's simple. if you insist on a lawyer, i take your kids. not like you cared about them anyway. you were ready to fly the coop with "shit-for-brains." i can and i will. tell me what i want to know! get her some coffee. something hot. i think for the first time in that girl's life she's telling the truth. who would've known? it would've been my word against hers. who do you think the jury would've believed? the only line around here is the `blue line', you cross that one, then you got buzz us in. have another donut, frankie. that fat fuck is the sole guardian of the city's biggest source of contraband. drugs. weapons. cash. not if you were a cop. you could just walk right in and. take whatever you want. shit. so what. he showed you a warrant? what? you don't remember? the money from richards's place traced back to the pacific savings heist a few months ago, a case callo headed up. he doesn't need another reason to be pissed at me. they never do, captain. doesn't matter what i think. facts here speak for themselves. then come and get me you piece of shit. what they told callo was the plan and what the plan really was may be two different things. clearly this wasn't part of a plan callo would've agreed with. as cops we come across every temptation in the book. money, drugs, power. we'd all like to think we can resist any urge, but. we're not saints. man said he wanted vengeance. me? nothing about today makes sense. don't look at me, he's your find. shutup. what? he moved it. changed the angle. he didn't want us to see something. if i worried about every threat made against me, i'd never leave the house. those are priority one. if he's got a record, i want an i.d. yesterday. dax, can you hack in there and find out what they were doing on this machine? you like italian? no, four. more are coming. for all intents and purposes. he's big brother. no. a little wine. last time i was here, you said that table in the corner was the "best in the house." shane, what was that thing you said back at the house about "returning to the beginning path" or something? we're all ears. continue. we have a genuine philosopher in our midst. what are you doing? it's too late. you've made your choice. live with it. you got a name? sonofabitch. prick used to work for some big-time software company until they caught him dipping into the company's slush fund. they didn't want the publicity so they didn't press charges. couple years later, he was busted for looting the pension plans of retired cops. for a genius. he's a fucking moron. his lawyer put us on trial. said we were crooked, abusive, that we planted evidence. we were in the midst of the pearl street bridge fallout. jury bought it. they let him walk and we were the scapegoats. the guy was guilty. he was scum. that was the truth. there's something they don't teach you. the system breaks down. you have to compensate to get results. break, no. bend. if it means justice. absolutely. you okay? first day in the city and you've already been shot. take five, guys. hiya, damon. how you feeling? you fuckin' hypocrite. you give me shit for my interrogating skills. least i don't threaten them with a lethal overdose. you never think of the repercussions. the suspect's mother, father. brother. how your decision affects them. he had murder in his eyes. it was pouring. lights everywhere. if he had only done what i said. drop the weapon. but it was not to be. so why become a cop? we go now all we get is galt and harrington. we want curtis. now relax and keep the line free. shit. i'm out of gum. we hold. no one move. no. stand down. no. no go. we wait. we have three cars here and uniformed backup in all directions, if they ride, we'll get them. i want curtis. we don't go in that house until i say! trigger happy, sons of bitches! we take them alive! teddy!? what's happening? gun! drop the weapon. let the girl go. think about this. you kill her, where are you going to. there's a passage in the surangama sutra which, roughly translated means: "things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise." think about that a minute. doesn't that blow your mind? what gave me away? at the diner. that's right. well, to err is human. was it harry that gave him up? that wasn't him. that was my mistake. i called you. i didn't kill anyone who didn't deserve it. york always thought "the plan" was flawless. he was cocky. i told him you have to leave room for error. you can't always predict how it's all going to play out. a random camera catches an image of richards, the scent on the money. you. you were the biggest wrench of the day. the chaos theory. when you got that. i was impressed. the more information you gather, from as many sources as possible, no matter how unpleasant the methods are, the better. and while i'd like to take sole credit it was a team effort. she'll get over it. scott curtis won't be bothering anyone again. who got killed? curtis? harrington, galt, lei. they're all hoods. the world's safer with them gone. the kid at the bank. that was unfortunate. but. you live with your decisions. you choose to take this road. there is no half way. it's all or nothing. that's why others fail. they don't make the commitment. i won't make that same mistake. callo deserved his fate. it's his fault. if it weren't for him, york and i would've never done this. one random act, causes another, causes another, and in the end. the pattern emerges. that's the chaos theory. it's after six. the money's cleared. i'm a wealthy man. lei, for all his they should've suspended me after i testified. what did they expect? everybody who screwed us, got screwed. everything in its right place. this wasn't about killing, shane. this was about standing up for what matters. besides. you kinda grew on me. i already have. i'm not even here now. this is a very valuable lesson for you to learn, and it's good to have learned it early. you don't always win. i'm an opportunist. i would've gladly died in the line of duty, but they took that away. if they had been as faithful to me, as i to them none of no thank you. i'm fine.