we have them on the line. we're hot. he's off. he's not picking up. fifteen rings. no answer. it'll have to wait. hour. maybe more. look, this isn't how it works. i don't take orders from you. i don't know you and no one touches my stuff. you're going to have to wait. what the hell are you doing? here. this dat machine. play, stop, rewind. it's just like using a tape player. headphones are jacked in. tape's already inside. that's the camera in the vault. it blew in the first explosion. that's when you cut the power. there's a four minute, fifty-two second gap, before the image returns. but. you got it. hey. awful lotta news cameras outside. maybe one got a look at them coming out? the tapes confirm five bad guys, but since the vault cam blew in the explosion what they did in there was a mystery. i've been through these tapes twenty times already and nothing. see what? where'd he go? hack into a nationwide bank's central computer system? love to. detective? i know what they were doing inside the bank. these are today's transaction records from the bank. an average day produces about 400 pages, give or take. today, there were over 3,000 pages. we've just witnessed the largest heist in history. somewhere in the neighborhood of a billion dollars. it's a computer virus. "the computer virus." it randomly withdraws money from all the accounts and deposits it into the bad guys' account. if you check the transactions, no two withdrawal amounts are the same and none of'em are over $100. most security systems work on the size of the money, not number of transactions. wire out one million from a handful of accounts and red flags go up. wire out a less than a hundred from ten million accounts, no flags. i tried following one of the transactions. it took me an hour and when i finally had it. it went away. the virus created a host of phantom accounts where the money goes yeah. any deposit or withdrawal from any bank doesn't usually go into affect until the next business day. so it's going to keep jumping around until it clears at 9 am tomorrow. that's the regional manager's computer terminal. there's no outside. remote access to it. there you have unlimited entry to the bank's mainframe. no passwords to work around, no "hacking" in. it's all nice and clean. ironically, when the power went out, it helped hide the virus and bought it time to work. the number york used to call harry hume is a cellphone number. ran it through that particular phone he's using is equipped with the latest gps technology. should be able to trace his location within 100 meters or less. yeah? they got him. the signal's coming from around 175th street. that's about fifteen miles north of us. from the harbor he can take a boat or a sea-plane out. he's gone. waiting? where? ain't nothing down there that's open at this hour.