funny. i was going to say the same about you. because people's lives are at stake. that takes priority over your ego. yes, captain. went uptown to brief the commissioner. no, he wasn't expecting you. he said, he thought you were still suspended. he almost has what he came for. holy shit?! round up all the hostages, anyone that comes out, grab'em! excuse me. i need to listen to the conversation between lorenz and conners again? how long? show me how to play it myself? along with whatever they stole and this war zone they left behind. a man's dead, and the killers are running free. i don't have time to wait. i'll figure it out. thanks for your help. thank you. i think this lorenz was trying to tell us something. the way he spoke. he paused before certain words. have you ever heard of the chaos theory? edward lorenz invented the chaos theory in the 1960's. it's the study of phenomena that appear random, but in fact have an element of regularity which can be described mathematically. pretty much. initial state of events may seem unrelated and random, but eventually patterns emerge and in the end all the pieces fit together. u dub. it's kind of the family business. do we really need all this "get to know you" crap? couple hours ago you didn't give a shit. i know about you, detective. everyone does. not much to be enthusiastic about. what's he doing back on the street? you hit? freeze! stay down! control her! suspect fleeing on foot. north on curson. he's armed and dangerous. i'm in pursuit. i'm a police officer in pursuit of a murder suspect. i need your bike, now! girl's name is gina lopez, twenty- eight. done some time for possession, has two kids. am i interrupting? gina claims she doesn't know anything about a bank robbery. thanks. used to, but i sold it. they're dangerous. must be a fifty large there easy. his cut? it's not? that sounds familiar. what is it? so this money's not from our bank. don't worry about it. yes he was. no. no relation. something like that. you believe her? you had to know, once she asked for a lawyer anything she told us would have been inadmissable. justice by any means. even if you cross the line. you'd have to have some major firepower, not to mention an extra large set of balls to try and knock off a police station. bernie callo. no they don't. we haven't asked the question. why, if callo's involved, don't they ask for him at the bank? they asked for you. well, that's it, right? you'd think a cop would be smarter. so, callo was involved and now they're dragging you into it. why? piss anyone off lately? let me get this straight, they didn't touch the cash or the safe deposit boxes. so, they. break into a bank, blow it up, and steal nothing? still make sense to you? "return to the earth now if your mind is troubled and your heart is uncertain. for it is by returning to the beginning that we can clearly see the path." we go back to where this all started. we go to the bank. wait, hold on a second. did you see it? go back a little. notice the camera angles, they're all fixed. they don't rotate or pan. there. stop. play it. look closely, camera five, the vault cam, dominates our attention because of the explosion. but while that's happening, check out camera two, customer service. what's in that corner they didn't want us to see? are you at all concerned that there's some whacko out there looking to get you? what do we do in the meantime? we're still on duty. no wine. it's a buddhist story. one day the buddha found his heart in turmoil. so he retreats to the forest, to the earth, to the base of a great tree and, i'm paraphrasing, but. this elephant comes up and tells buddha he doesn't like seeing him discouraged. he's the buddha. he's attained the 6th level of consciousness. he's capable of communicating with plants, trees. even rocks. you asked. the buddha was troubled so he went back to where he came from, the beginning, to find the path, the answer. so when you hit a dead end, go back to the beginning to find your way. or something like that. no. just something i picked up along the way. not particularly. you're all pretty tight. i guess i just thought. i don't know. with all the trouble he's been in lately, coming back from suspension, everyone would treat him differently. the divine in himself. how long does it usually take to for fingerprints to be id'd? dekker.. okay. they got a match. we got a match. chris lei. this was your case. you and york. you made the bust. why didn't it stick? was it true? that gives you the right to break the rules? another thing they don't teach you. yeah. why don't i "just graze" you with a bullet and see how you feel. may i? you remember me, don't you? thought so. i was skiing about three years ago. aspen. beautiful country. ever been? never mind. i hit a mogul, landed on a sheet of ice and slammed into a tree. broke myself up pretty bad. kinda like you did today. i was in a hospital bed for three months. had it not been for. here it is. morphine. without this stuff, i wouldn't have made it. now this iv drip administers a small dosage every minute. makes you feel relaxed and calm. no pain. but. if i were to inject this whole thing. that would be all she wrote for damon. this equipment malfunctions all the time. overdoses are quite common. besides, i don't think the da's going to launch a full-scale investigation over a scum like you. you don't have to tell us a damn thing. plead the fifth. roll the dice. there's never been a single case in recorded medical history of someone overdosing on 200 milliliters of saline. bend, not break. that's what you said, right? john curtis. my father died when i was twelve. he walked into a liquor store in the middle of a stick up. guy just opened fire. never even had time to react. they said he was a hero. know what finish what he started. every day he went out, trying to do some good. help the people who couldn't help themselves, just give'em a chance is what he always said. didn't always work out right, but he tried. you tried to help save that girl on the bridge. if you weren't there, the girl still would've died. she had a chance because you were there. that's all we can do. what? shit. all units, all units. shots fired! requesting backup immediately! conners! where's conners? we can't. teddy. no, captain. she said it perfectly. shame on you. find another source. meaning? come again? where's the money now? how is that possible? it's still moving the money around? or 6 am pacific time. sunrise. so why break in? if they're just wiring money? couldn't they do that from anywhere? a billion dollars is missing and we're only discovering this now? so they weren't trying to make it look like they were robbing a bank, to rip off a saudi prince? they were making it look like they ripped off a saudi prince to rob a bank. the chaos theory. dekker. put it through. it's not over yet. no. my wish is to catch you. you're a murderer. a cop killer at that. i know about the money. you steal a billion dollars. they will find you. callo's insignificant. that's what he said, callo's insignificant. but he wasn't. lorenz. curtis. called me. he said he didn't kill anyone who didn't deserve it. he said callo was insignificant. but without callo he wouldn't have had the knowledge of our department and. . he wouldn't have had the front money to hire the crew. how did he come at you, harry? it's the only thing that doesn't make sense. all day long we thought callo was the dirty cop. all day long we were wrong. that's the sign-out sheet from the evidence room. here's one of callo's reports. here's another one. and another -- they're not the same signature, harry. they're not even close. this is your file. you were reprimanded, a month ago after you confronted callo at the courthouse. you punched him. that ring a bell? so you set him up! you forged callo's signature, you gave him the money and you helped him with his plan because you thought he got a raw deal at pearl street bridge! don't deny it, harry cause i know. you're helping a cop killer, harry. you're a year from pension. this is how you want to go out? this has been a very long, trying day. and i'm tired. we're chasing a how the hell does curtis know conners better than anyone? we're not talking about curtis, are we, harry? who would know conners better than anyone? who would you protect? and who in your mind got the raw deal at pearl street bridge? it was york who was the bad cop. he assumed scott curtis's identity to throw us off the trail. york plays his old partner, knowing all his moves, frames his enemy for the crime, kills him too and pulls off the biggest robbery in history. watch me. can they get a location on him? no. if there's a signal. means he's still here. he's waiting for something or someone. 175th street. there's is one place. detective galloway. jason york. this is the police. put your hands in the air and slowly get on your knees. do it. now! get down on the pavement! get down now! final warning! take the back! let the girl go. it's over. drop the weapon, let the girl go. that you don't want to do. shit. which way did he go? fbi's got a team of 40 computer technicians figuring out lei's virus. they'll break it. they said in the city i'd be busy. every day like this? great. i wonder what's next? how much? thanks. what is it? you tried them all?. nothing for conners or lorenz?. i don't know. no, maybe he's not on a flight. try again. but try gleick. james gleick. conners? ten bucks. harry and the phone call. he called me, said callo was insignificant. threw up a red flag. all day long, we were trying to find out who the inside source was. it was you. teddy's pretty devastated about your death. so the corpse in the morgue with your name on its toe? you're a serial killer. you said they were all hoods. what about, callo? this is callo's fault? lei. you tanked his trial on purpose. and because the "bitch that made her career off you" worked for channel two, that's why american national was the target. why not kill me? you had plenty of opportunities. you're not going to get away. what's that? all your years of service for not. you're a hypocrite. conners? conners?