you gotta sign first. i heard you were back. kinda liked not having you around, conners. here is it. line seventeen. like i said. no one takes anything out of here, unless they sign for it. he must've. you know how many times someone signs shit in and out? i see the same guys all the time. i can't remember one instance two weeks ago. but if his signature's there, that means he signed for it. take it up with him! i was in bed already. this couldn't wait til morning. what are you talking about? maybe he had a cramp in his hand. i don't know. and i'd do it again. cops who testify against cops shouldn't be breathing the same air i do. there's a line you don't cross! my conscience is clean. of course he has. who knows conners better than him? do what you want to me. he called to tell me he was going and he's gone and you ain't never going to find him.