in a civilized society, the men and women entrusted with serving and protecting the community are to be held accountable just like everyone else. simply put. just because you are a cop, doesn't mean laws don't apply to you. this is no longer the wild, wild west. have you seen my watch? this was fun. you should get out of bed. you'll be late for work. i need to speak to you, quentin. it's important. quentin, this is detective shane dekker. shane just transferred in from tacoma. his father. we've got a hostage situation, american national bank. the sonsabitches said they wouldn't talk to anyone but you. no shit. i need you to do this. the commissioner's office has ordered me to reinstate you. as of now, you're back on the force. just like that. i won't, however, unleash you alone. shane, here, is your new partner. consider him a younger version of me, looking over your shoulder, watching every move you make. don't think i endorse this. if it were my call, you'd be with your partner. on the unemployment line with him. i care about those innocent people down there. i hope to god someone hasn't made a monumental mistake letting you back in. conners has been reinstated to full active duty. it's his scene. decision's been made, bernie. we'll talk about it later. take a hike. swat, because of the special circumstances will defer to conners. he's in charge. second chances don't come around often. don't blow it. anything questionable happens today, you let me know. detective conners, join us, would you? thank you. helluva come back, conners. are you familiar with the term franchise-sized fuck-up. you got played, quentin. congratulations, you just topped pearl street bridge. commissioner's office is scrambling to cover their ass. they need a scapegoat. and i have zero problems serving you up. no. but if it had to happen to somebody. how much? what about motive? do we have one? no. don't buy that. bernie callo is a first rate cop. a boy scout. this doesn't make any sense. don't act like you're not enjoying this, conners. i know what you think of him. jenkins. i just got off the phone with agent doyle. after the charlotte break in, the prince withdrew all his possessions from every safe deposit box in this country. say that again, detective? lorenz's true identity is scott curtis. he's wanted in connection to three other bank robberies, extorsion and kidnapping. he's also the brother of john curtis, the perp conners shot at pearl street bridge. richards testifies that he was hired by curtis to pull the bank job with a dirty cop on the inside, bernie callo. curtis hoped that conners would take the fall for american national turning ugly, disgracing him even further. we also have the names of two more accomplices, lamar galt and xander harrington. everyone was set to meet tonight at ten and we have that address. after finding callo and lei dead today, if it had to be someone. teddy. jealous? detective. go home. you have something you want to say? you're still here? what? what are you talking about? he called you? he was screwing with your head. go home, shane. you did good today. your dad would be proud. get some sleep. there will be more bad guys tomorrow.