that. you don't want to do. y'all picked the wrong day not to use the atm. you will not be harmed if you do exactly what i say, when i say it. you no one will say i didn't give you a choice. you, up. you understood what i just said? your security system, you can electronically lock all entrances. with that attitude, you and i are going to get along famously. now go. what do you think you're doing? it would've made more sense to shoot him before he pushes the fucking alarm. not after. jesus. and. if you're going to do something. do it right. alarm's tripped. we're on a clock. get these people out of the way. no questions. it's time to set the rules. i am in complete control of this facility. no one gets in or out without my say and i will execute every last man, woman and child in here if my needs are not met. do not test me. today, i am a man of zero patience. see if you can't screw this up, detective. i have but one demand. one and only demand. detective conners? for now. you can call me lorenz. everyone who matters is fine. of course, i would've preferred not having the authorities involved at all. we weren't planning to be here this long. but, since seattle's finest needs a presence on the scene, i'm glad it's you. don't be flattered. i needed someone who's been through the experience before. hopefully this time it will go better for all involved. i plan on living a full, long and rich life. i didn't, however, expect them to find you so quickly. i thought you were suspended. you never get what you pay for. you want to know about the hostages? how many and are they okay? approximately forty, they're fine, considering. all except one. we had a situation. theory. put to practice isn't always perfect. can't expect to keep the hostages in check if a bad deed goes unpunished or they may. randomly decide to revolt. chaos. has some order to it. detective? are you still with me? demands. probably too much to ask for you and your colleagues to pack up and go home? stay by the phone. i'll contact you shortly. don't worry, i have no plans until sunrise tomorrow, so hunker down. it's going to be a long one. patience, detective. we don't want another pearl street bridge, do we? they're comin'. now! theory. put to practice isn't always perfect. can't expect to keep the hostages in check if a bad deed goes unpunished or they may. randomly decide to revolt. chaos. has some order to it. theory. put to practice isn't always perfect. can't expect to keep the hostages in check if a bad deed goes unpunished or they may. randomly decide to revolt. chaos. has some order to it. detective conners. are you there? are you connecting the dots? are you putting it together? is the pattern emerging? they wouldn't punish you, but i will. vengeance will be mine, detective. fare thee well, chris.