detectives. ready for you. looks like it, don't it? heard you were back, conners. and keep dreaming. you, on the other hand. i gotta bike myself. maybe we can go for a ride sometime? or maybe i can just ride you. we got passports, sun tan lotion, bermuda shorts, thong bikini, hopefully hers and this. you'd think, right? don't put words in my mouth, but. two things jump out here. first, each bank branch has their own money bands. this is not american national's. after a little checking, it belongs to pacific savings of seattle. it should. four months ago, a half million dollars was stolen in an armed robbery there. just a smash-n-grab job. they caught the guys a day later, recovering about $400,000. those guys have been in lock up since and their trial's still pending. which leads us to point number two. do you smell that? when evidence is taken in, any physical contact might affect the ability to lift prints, so, to mark it, we now spray a scented solution directly on the bill. wave of the future. gotta keep up with the times, conners. no. this is the money from the pacific savings job and our evidence room. now. for a list of things you can put in my mouth. do you smell that? when evidence is taken in, any physical mark might effect the ability to lift prints, so, to mark it, we spray it with a scented solution.