this is detective galloway. looks like you got yourself a baby- sitter. witnesses heard shots fired and some kind of explosion. and their only demand has been to speak with you. you quit smoking? a man, yes. you. i'm not so sure. what are they doing in there? he's stalling. what? that's a big call, quentin. thought about what you're doing? unfortunately. yeah. i'm not going to get into this now. and you're one to talk. i hear. okay. the bank's equipped with emergency generators, which once the power's down, will kick back on in approximately 3-6 minutes. one, check. conners, you better come out here. what was in the box? so they broke into a bank and didn't steal any money? that's not fair. it was by the book. everything was according to standard procedure. gotta love the system. quentin! shots fired, officer down! need an ambulance and back up. he's unconscious, with a nice knot on his forehead, but stable. three officers are watching the room. you sure you're all right? excuse me. i think it was callo. why? those serial numbers marnie faxed me. according to our computers, that money should be downstairs. callo signed the money out of evidence two weeks ago. $433,000. also explains why he was so pissed this morning about being replaced by conners. he wanted to be the point so everything went according to plan. he was also getting divorced. about a month ago, he told me he and his wife might be splitting. asked if i knew a lawyer who wouldn't clean him out. i didn't think it was this bad. he can talk to an elephant? but you're religious? we've been through a lot together. excuse me. i realized something today. being around you, all that's happened. i can't. i think i made a mistake. head's up. car's coming. conners, we got a problem. drop the gun! drop it now. last warning. gas. get out of here! get out of here now! everyone get down! no! no, we have to go save him! we have to. no! you sonofabitch. you've always been jealous of him. it's because he wasn't only a better cop. he was a better man. conners was right. we should've never gone in. how many more mistakes can we make in one day? he was eliminating his accomplices. we thought he was going to show up? we didn't even think he could do this. how dumb are we? i'm going with you. it's not a request. i'm fine. go get him. we used to spend all day sunday just reading in bed. i would read the paper and he would read one of his billion books. i didn't deserve him. i knew that. but i still loved him. he's the only man i ever loved. did we all get shot today? pretty much. for me. a long vacation. gas. get out of here! get out of here now!