first time i've heard swat defer to anyone. we have approximately four to seven, heavily armed men holding an unspecified number of customers and employees hostage. wasting our time. to figure out his next move. he wasn't expecting us. i'll find him. no. no one went by me. we got the one teller dead, the two that were strung up are alive, but in critical condition. a few swat incurred 2nd degree burns, but that's the worst of it. now, depending on who you talk to. there was anywhere from five to nine perps. and nobody got a good look at any of'em, wore their masks the whole time. dax is rounding up the security tapes now. that should give us a firm number. you don't think one of them's still here? conners, come in? got something you'll want to see. watch. rewind it a little bit. okay. there. stop. damon richards. career loser. busted him two years ago on attempted robbery of the western federal bank. stupid bastard. never learns. he gave up his partners and cut a deal with the d.a. only thing on file is in spokane, but i recall he did have a girlfriend in town. gina, i believe. gina, it's the police. open up. we can hear you. will do. detective. i didn't realize when we first met who you were. i worked with your father. it was only for a brief time when i first got outta the academy, but it was an honor. i wish it could've been for longer. if it's callo, it would explain how they knew police protocol and how our department operates. pressure might've been getting to him. he's been getting the cold shoulder from cops since he testified about pearl street bridge. blueprints from the bank, schematics, pictures. also, about a dozen internet articles on the saudi prince. found it behind the furnace. rocks? you're a buddhist? you can't believe what you read or see on tv. if anything, our tie to conners is stronger. he's one of the best. even when things got pretty wild today and everyone else panicked, he was in control. that doesn't just happen. he's just that good. what was the buddha looking for? hours, maybe days. we could be waiting a while. we're going to lose'em, conners. we bust them now, we got something. but if they get in that car we don't have jack squat. we got one down. he's dead.