oh, come on! it's simple. i like what i do -- i enjoy doing it. there aren't many men who love their work as much as i do. look around some time. yes, but -- right. now go eat your dinner. i think that's what you ordered. how was i leading you on? that's right. what would you like me to say -- that a pretty girl with an outrageous manner means more to an old pro like me than a quarter of a million dollars? it's a toss-up, i can tell you that. don't you know i'm having a tough time keeping my eyes off of you? oh, you should see your face. it's lovely. what's the matter? it's all right -- look. why do you think i brought you here? pretty good, huh? i taught them everything they do. how do you think i got here? no. the doctor said it would be bad for my -- thermostat. when you come on, you really come on. relax -- you're gaining. i don't know. in my room, asleep. that wraps it up -- tex has the money. go back to bed -- i'll let you know when i've found him. if the police find him first they're not very likely to turn over a quarter of a million dollars to us, are they? there's no time -- i'll call you in the morning. yes? where are you, ol' buddy? open up. i think we were wrong about tex having the money. i just heard from him -- he's still hungry. that means killing gideon didn't get it for him -- so he's narrowed it down to us. you've got it. where's that airlines bag? i sure am. get it. charles must have had the money with him on the train, and tex missed it. let's look anyway. i mean, it's there, reggie. if only we could see it. we're looking at it right now. electric razor -- comb -- steamship ticket -- fountain pen -- four passports -- toothbrush -- wallet -- key -- what about that? the letter -- it still doesn't make sense, but it isn't worth any quarter of a million either. have we forgotten anything? heroin -- peppermint-flavored heroin. go to bed. you've got to be at work in the morning. there's nothing more we can do tonight. yes, you told me. reggie -- i think i've found -- are you on? nothing's wrong. i think i found something. i was snooping around tex's room and i found this in the waste basket. i've stuck it back together. you didn't look. last night, when we went through the airlines bag, something was missing. see -- ? "one agenda." it wasn't there. can you remember anything at all? with whom? where? think, reggie, you've got to think -- it may be what we're looking for. nonsense. we didn't steal it. there's no law against stealing stolen money. there is? well, i can't say i think very much of a silly law like that. think, reggie -- please think -- what was written in charles' notebook? it's thursday today -- and it's almost five -- come on! five o'clock -- thursday -- the garden -- it's got to be something around here. i know, but this is all we've got left. stop grousing. if we find the money i'll buy you an international conference all your own. now start looking. you take this side and i'll poke around over there. it's all right -- i don't think tex does, either. look. i'd better see what he's up to. stay here -- i won't be long. the letter. taxi! -- taxi! all right -- where's the letter? you know what i mean -- the envelope with the stamps. i want it. what are you talking about? reggie -- the stamps -- what've you done with --? where are you going? wait! reggie! reggie! reggie -- stop! i'm not dyle -- you know that! don't be an idiot! reggie -- ! i want those stamps! i don't want to go anywhere -- i'm only trying -- what? but that's what they gave me. reggie -- ! reggie -- wait! reggie -- why won't you listen? but i didn't kill anybody. reggie -- please believe me! reggie -- stop! that's carson dyle! it's carson dyle, i tell you! tex recognized him -- that's why he said dyle. if you give him those stamps, he'll kill you too! because he'd have to come out to get the stamps -- he knows he'd never make it. don't be a fool! he's carson dyle! reggie -- listen to me! reggie -- trust me once more -- please. there's not a reason on earth why you should. it won't get you the stamps, dyle -- you'll have to come out to get them, and i'm not likely to miss at this range. reggie -- you'd better tell him. he wouldn't dare hit a girl. here, give it to me. and that's all the gratitude i get for saving your hide. what a terrible thing to say. how could you even think that? i heard you, i heard you. reggie -- listen to me -- what makes you think they're even interested? it's only a quarter of a million -- it'll cost more than that to fix up their bookkeeping. as a taxpayer -- do you mind if i wait out here? the sight of all that money being given away might make me break out.