crooked? i should think you'd be glad to find out i wasn't crooked. we're not allowed to tell. may i have the stamps, please? when did you see him -- what time, i mean? the lunch hour. he probably worked it out in advance. he found an office that was usually left open and just moved in for the time you were here. mrs. foster -- send a memo to bartholomew at security recommending that -- -- recommending that all embassy offices be locked during the lunch hour. okay, now -- hand over those stamps. brian. who asked you to get stuck with any of them? yes. no. my mother -- she lives in detroit. come on now -- give me those stamps. how about if next week some time i put it on a marriage license -- that ought to -- i wouldn't lie on a thing like that -- i could go to jail. well, maybe we'd better forget about it, then. i didn't say anything. will you give me those stamps? before we start on that, do you mind handing over the stamps?