as peter leaves reggie's room and closes the door. he pauses for a moment, listening, hears nothing, then bends down and starts pulling at a loose thread in one of his socks. as usual, the thread unravels -- and unravels -- and unravels some more until it seems that the entire sock has come unknit. now, taking the long thread, he bends down near the door and, taking his tie-pin, attaches one end of the thread to the bottom of reggie's door. he then runs the thread along the floor to his door and works it underneath. as reggie sneaks past dyle's door. when she has passed, the door opens and dyle appears. reggie takes off on the run, turning the corner and starting down the stairs. the hotel manager is busy taping a piece of cardboard over the hole ripped in reggie's door by scobie's metal hand the night before. dyle leaves the elevator and goes to his own door. the manager eyes him coldly. dyle "takes" the look. dyle, tex, and gideon, followed by reggie and jean-louis cross the hall to dyle's room. dyle turns the key which is still in the door. he enters, followed by the others. as reggie leaves her room and goes to the elevator. she presses the button, then notices it is in use. she goes to the stairs and starts down.