featuring the door. reggie enters, then stops abruptly, the doorknob still in her hand. inside, peter pulls back the door and slugs the startled scobie full on the jaw. his head bangs against the wall but he manages to raise a foot and push peter violently away, sending him sprawling back, toppling across the bed and over, head first, onto the floor on the other side, where he disappears. hurrying, scobie puts his foot against the door and pushes it away, ripping his metal hand free. as she waits anxiously, smoking a cigarette. there is a knock at the door. reggie's back is turned to peter so he can't see her face. slowly, reggie lowers the 'phone from her ear and hangs it up. she hesitates a moment. reggie is on the phone. reggie hangs up the phone, picks up her bag, checks her hair in the mirror, then starts for the door. she stops as she notices the connecting door leading to the room next door, dyle's room. she goes to it, silently slips out the key and bends to peer through the keyhole. reggie reacts in surprise and fright, jumps quickly away from the door. she hurries to the door leading to the hall and reaches for the knob. reggie, smoking on the bed, sits up when she hears dyle moving about in his room. she goes to the connecting door, unlocks her side, tries the knob, finds it still bolted from his side and knocks. as reggie and dyle enter from his room. she leads him to the bed. dyle is watching her. she covers the phone and turns to dyle in alarm. as reggie hangs up. close shot -- airlines bag. camera pulls back to include gideon, staring down at it as it lies on the table in the center of the room. reggie slips back into her robe and goes to the connecting door. as reggie enters. she freezes, having seen something on the floor.