don't tell me you didn't know it was loaded. sylvie! isn't there something constructive he can do -- like start an avalanche? sylvie -- i'm getting a divorce. he's the only husband i've got. i tried to make it work, i really have -- but -- i don't know how to explain it. i'm just too miserable. because i don't love him. i admit i moved to paris because i was tired of american provincial, it's hers. where'd you find him, robbing a bank? why, do you think we're going to? i'm afraid i already know a great many people. until one of them dies i couldn't possibly meet anyone else. quitter. you give up awfully easy, don't you? i'm afraid you're blocking my view. the one you're blocking. this is the last chance i have -- i'm flying back to paris this afternoon. what's your name? i'm regina lampert. yes. no, it isn't. i'm getting a divorce. no, you see, i don't really love him. yes, i am -- i'm compulsive about it -- dishonesty infuriates me. like when you go into a drugstore. well, you go in and you ask for some toothpaste -- the small size -- and the man brings you the large size. you tell him you wanted the small size but he says the large size is the small size. i always thought the large size was the largest size, but he says that the family size, the economy size and the giant size are all larger than the large size -- that the large size is the smallest size there is. is there a mrs. joshua? that wasn't a proposal -- i was just curious. oh, charles is hardly ever with me. first it was separate rooms -- now we're trying it with cities. what do people call you -- pete? now you're angry. oh. well, wasn't it shakespeare who said: "when strangers do meet they should erelong see one another again"? how do you know? well, the idea's right, anyway. are you going to call me? charles is. lord, i hope so. goodbye, sylvie, and thanks. don't you want me to stay? -- you could have the stamps. i'll get you some here, okay? merci. honorine -- ! charles -- ! yes. i'm very cold. leave? i'm very confused. swiss. he didn't have one. i don't know. i suppose so. i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. i know. i'm sorry. i wish you wouldn't. i don't know. perhaps he met somebody. a letter? may i see it? "my dear regina: i hope you are enjoying your holiday. megeve can be so lovely this time of year. the days pass very slowly and i hope to see you soon. as always, charles. p.s. your dentist called yesterday. your appointment has been changed." not very much, is it? did you? is that all? can i go now? of course it is. i don't understand. it's all right if you want to smoke your cigar now. what are you doing here? how did you find out? thank you. yes it is -- i heard it this morning. they must have turned off the electricity. charles sold it all -- at auction. try and get my old job back at unesco, i suppose. i'm a simultaneous translator -- like sylvie, only she's english to french -- i'm french to english. that's what i did before i married charles. the police probably think i killed him. something like that. but i'm sorry it ended like this -- tossed off a train like a sack of third-class mail. i don't know where to go. not too expensive -- i'm not a lady of leisure anymore. i loved this room -- but charles never saw it -- only what was in it. all those exquisite things -- i think i prefer it like this. it's not exactly what i'd call a large turn-out. don't ask me -- i'm only the widow. if charles had died in bed we wouldn't even have him. until two days ago all i really knew about charles was his name -- now it turns out i didn't even know that. i've never seen him before. how can you tell? yes? i don't understa-- merci, monsieur. the american embassy. i don't know. but if this is a sample of american diplomacy i'm buying a fallout shelter. hello -- ? hello? uh -- miss tompkins isn't here. mrs. lampert -- mrs. charles lampert. mr. bartholomew -- are you sure you know who i am? no thanks. i don't suppose it's an airline, is it? you mean spies and things like that? we? you mean you're --? i'm sorry, it's just that i didn't think that you people were supposed to admit -- agent. what's all this got to do with me, mr. bartholomew? may i have a sandwich, please? so that was it. his -- real -- ? very sweet. stop calling me that! lampert's the name on the marriage license. danger? why should i be in any danger? mr. bartholomew -- if you're trying to frighten me you're doing a really first-rate job! gladly, only i don't know what you want! you haven't told me. but it's charles's money, not theirs. then whose is it? his or theirs? oh, i see. but i don't have it. i'm sorry it's impossible. it's the truth. thanks very much. mr. bartholomew -- if i had a quarter of a million dollars, believe me, i'd know it. you mean it's just lying around someplace -- all that cash? but -- wait a minute -- you think those three men killed charles, don't you? well, there you are! charles had the money with him -- so whoever killed him has it -- they have it! why not? oh. hallo, peter. i'm sorry -- i heard the children laughing. don't you understand french? the man and the woman are married -- he's only pretending, to teach her a lesson -- only -- only he is dead, peter -- i saw him -- he's not pretending. somebody threw him off a train. what am i going to do? starting tonight? fun and games. evidently we're the floorshow. no, everyone. come on -- avanti, avanti! lay on, macduff. what do you want? tell me what? i don't know anything. leave me alone -- ! stop it! he -- he was stepping on my foot. wait for me -- i won't be long. mr. bartholomew -- it's me, reggie lampert -- listen mr. bartholomew: i've seen one of the mr. bartholomew? can you hear me? hello -- mr. bartholomew -- it's me, regina lam. wha -- what do you want? no -- no, i'm don't. i don't know what -- what are you doing? stop that! please stop -- please! you're insane, absolutely insane! having a nervous breakdown. i -- i'm not sure if i'm supposed to tell you or not. he said if i told anybody it could prove fatal for them as well as me. that's what i'm not supposed to say. stop bullying me. everybody's bullying me. yes, you were -- you called it nonsense. being murdered in cold blood isn't nonsense. wait until it happens to you sometime. bonsoir. quarante-deux, s'il vous plait. would you mind seeing me to the door? this is quite a place for making friends, isn't it? how do you shave in there? what was what? look, i know it's asking you to stretch your imagination, but can't you pretend for a moment that i'm a woman and that you're a -- where? how about once more around the park? him: 'do you mind if i come in for a nightcap, reggie?' her: 'well -- it is awfully late.' him: 'just one, all right?' her: 'promise you'll behave yourself.' him: 'sorry, baby, i never make promises i can't keep.' how would you like a punch in the nose? stop treating me like a child. do you know what's wrong with you? nothing. good night. i don't know -- i don't know! i don't -- peter -- ! peter -- ! a man -- he tried to kill me! peter -- ? peter! where are you? peter -- are you all right? out of the window, i guess -- i didn't see him. be careful, peter. who is it? there are three men -- he's one of them -- they think i have something that belongs to them. a quarter of a million dollars. that's all. i don't know. those men killed charles to get it. but he must not have had it with him on the train. but he didn't! i've looked everywhere -- and if i don't find it -- those men going to kill me. please help me, peter -- you're the only one i can trust. i'm so hungry i could faint. i've -- i've gotten your suit all wet. peter, you've got to promise me something. promise you'll never lie the way charles did. why do people have to tell lies? do you tell lies? hello? what do you want? the man you had the fight with. who? yes -- that's right. he -- he said if i didn't give the money, he'll kill me. i believe what he said. how do you know what they're doing? what are you talking about? words can hurt very much. don't put yourself out. yes, i'll remember. good night. -- but i am calm, mr. bartholomew -- what i called to tell you was there's someone else -- someone who wasn't in that photograph you showed me. he says his name is peter joshua -- but it isn't -- it's dyle. mr. bartholomew? -- are you still there? you mean he might have -- mr. bartholomew, i'm catching the next plane out of here -- i'm not going to sit here and wait for someone to make chopped liver out of me! yes, where? -- in fifteen minutes. i'll be there. taxi -- ! n'importe oł -- vite! allez-y! aux halles -- vite! what did you want to see me about, mr. bartholomew? yes, but i lost him. i really did it quite brilliantly. i'm beginning to think women make the best spies. he has a gun, mr. bartholomew -- i saw it. dyle, or whatever his name is. he's hardly my mr. dyle. well -- he's tall -- over six feet -- rather thin -- in good physical shape, i'd say -- dark eyes -- quite handsome, really. no, what? carson? you mean you've known about him all along? why didn't you tell me? it's just lucky that i'm not hanging next to one of those things right now. mr. bartholomew -- why didn't you tell me you knew about dyle? dead? mr. bartholomew -- maybe you'd better tell me what this thing's all about. barely, yes. they always do that. gratine, choucroute garnie, salade de pommes -- et un ballon de rouge. can i at least keep the onion soup? la soupe tout simplement. go on, please -- five men -- $250,000 -- the french underground -- steal it how? may i have a cigarette, please? i hate these things -- it's like drinking coffee through a veil. oh. nothing, i guess. what happened then? please go on, mr. bartholomew -- what happened then? pour moi. go on, mr. bartholomew. but if they stole all that money -- why can't you arrest them? but what has all this got to do with the c.i.o.? i'm sorry, mr. bartholomew, but nothing you've told me has changed my mind. i still intend leaving paris -- tonight. well, if i'm going to die, i might as well do it for my country. oh, stop it. what do you want me to do? maybe he really is dyle. he could still be alive. but no one actually saw him die. oh. then who's this one? me? why me? agents. what are you doing, following me? stop it -- we're going to look like a parade. how are you? when did you arrive in town? are you enjoying paris? it's lovely, isn't it? so many wonderful things to see and do, it makes one's head spin to think of it. if you don't stop following me i'll call the police. taxi -- ! good morning, mr. dyle. it's the only name i've got. how about you? why you lied to me. well, you know now, so please tell me who you are. carson dyle is dead. your -- how can i? you lied to me -- the way charles did -- and after promising you wouldn't. oh, i want to believe you, peter. oh, but i can't call you that anymore, can i? it will take me a while to get used to your new name -- which i don't even know yet. what is it? aren't you going to tell me? hello -- ? is that you? didn't anyone ever tell you it's impolite to -- what happened? scobie? come on -- i've got something that stings like crazy. take off your shirt and lie down. it's not so bad. you may not be able to lie on your back for a few days -- but, then, you can lie from any position, can't you? does it hurt? are you really carson dyle's brother? your passport! what kind of a proof is that? sure. ha ha. you could at least tell me what your first name is these days. is there a mrs. dyle? i thought that was peter joshua. there -- you're a new man. alex -- how can you tell if someone is lying or not? there must be some way. why couldn't you just look at his feet? oh. well, then he's a truthful whitefoot, of course. which one are you? come here. sit down. i hope it turns out you're a whitefoot, alex -- i could be very happy hanging around the tepee. oh-oh -- here it comes. the fatherly talk. you forget i'm already a widow. i'm not fifteen. why can't you be serious? said what? okay -- i'll tell you what -- we'll just sit around all day long being frivolous -- how about that? okay. cutting it out. you did. oh. i think i love you, alex -- whoever it is won't give up -- and neither will i. sorry -- i was just -- uh -- nibbling on something. can you give me one good reason why i should? they've got jean-louis! i'll be right there. what day is it? lord, i forgot all about it -- sylvie works late tuesday nights -- she always leaves him with me. they wouldn't do anything to a little boy, would they? jean-louis! i'd better call sylvie -- she must be frantic. but his mother -- scobie -- he's the one that objected. viens, jean-louis -- we're going to have a treasure hunt. what should we give him? -- he's all right, sylvie, honestly. just hurry up and get here. come on, now -- if you wanted to hide something, where would you put it? swell -- only this man doesn't have a garden. voil what? you know something, cookie? why not? i hope i don't find any little hairy things living up here -- wait! there is something! if i can just -- yes, i'm getting it -- a case of some sort -- it's heavy. if you think you're getting credit for this, you're crazy. no. no, jean-louis. it's nothing, i tell you! where is he? it's done in america all the time. who do you think did it -- gideon? or tex? you're a big help. can i have one of those? vanille-chocolat. i think tex did it. because i really suspect gideon -- and it is always the person you don't suspect. what's so illogical about that? oh. i guess they just can't help it. women. you know, i can't help feeling rather sorry for scobie. wouldn't it be nice if we were like that? no -- gene kelly. remember the way he danced down there next to the river in 'american in paris' -- without a care in the world? this is good, want some? i'm sorry. alex -- i'm scared. no, about scobie, i mean. i can't think of any reason why he was killed. what makes you think that this somebody will be satisfied with three? he wants it all, alex -- that means we're in his way, too. first your brother, then charles, now scobie -- we've got to do something! any minute now we could be assassinated! would you do anything like that? no -- -- swing down from there on a rope to save the woman you love -- like charles laughton in 'the hunchback of notre dame'? hurry up and change -- i'm starved. it's the house detective -- why haven't you got a girl in there? wouldn't it be better if you did it in my room? i wouldn't want to use that tub. besides, i don't want to be alone. i'm afraid. got you. the shower's in there. this is a ludicrous situation. there must be dozens of men dying to use my shower. i dare you. what are you doing? shut the door! what on earth are you doing? how often do you go through this little ritual? i don't believe it. yes -- ? go ahead, mr. bartholomew -- i'm listening. are you sure there's no mistake? do you mind if we go someplace crowded? i -- i feel like lots of people tonight. i keep thinking about charles and scobie -- and the one who's going to be next -- me? how can i believe it when you don't even know who the killer is? i've got that right, haven't i? you don't know who did it. but then if we sit back and wait, the field should start narrowing down, shouldn't it? whoever's left alive at the end will pretty well have sewn up the nomination, wouldn't you say so? it's a start, anyway. carson dyle didn't have a brother. i can't very well leave without a pair of water wings. fiction or non-fiction? well! go on. i suppose all this is leading somewhere? what do you mean? you mean, you're a thief? i don't believe it. but i do believe it -- that's what i don't believe. so it's goodbye alexander dyle -- welcome home peter joshua. adam canfield. wonderful. do you realize you've had three names in the past two days? i don't even know who i'm talking to any more. no -- he's not the same. alexander dyle was interested in clearing up his brother's death. adam canfield is a crook. and with all the advantages you've got -- brains, charm, education, a handsome face -- -- there has to be a darn good reason for living the way you do. i want to know what it is. is there a mrs. canfield? i could eat a horse. don't you dare to be civil with me! all this time you were leading me on -- all that marvelous rejection -- you knew i couldn't resist it. now it turns out you were only interested in the money. oh! no -- i guess not. what? what about it? i'm not hungry -- isn't it glorious? adam! you don't look so bad in this light. i thought maybe you wanted me to see the kind of work the competition was turning out. oh? did they do that sort of thing way back in your day? aren't you allowed to kiss back? well -- come on. i know why you're not taken -- no one can catch up with you. i was, too. no -- in my room. you're going to look for him -- now? adam -- what is it? why? i've looked, adam -- you know i have -- lord, you're stubborn. but everyone and his aunt lilian's been through that bag. somebody would have seen it. lord, you're stubborn. to the apartment -- it matches mine perfectly. i'll bet you don't really need those. you need them. the tooth powder. wait a minute -- could you recognize heroin just by tasting it? well, i guess that's it -- dead end. i love you, adam. no -- last time i said "i love you, alex." i hope jean-louis understands about last night -- it's just not safe for him to be around me right now. hold it -- italy just finished. they're recognizing great britain. no, it's all right. what's wrong, adam? you're right. i remember grandpierre looking through it. but there was nothing in it -- at least, nothing that the police thought was very important. grandpierre asked me about an appointment charles had -- on the day he was killed. i think it only said where -- but i can't -- that money's not ours, adam -- if we keep it, we'll be breaking the law. of course there is! well -- it was a place -- a street corner, i think. but i don't -- hold it. i'm on. mr. chairman, fellow delegates -- my distinguished colleague from great britain -- as outlined in report number three- nine-stroke-five-two of the western hemisphere conference held on march now what? but charles' appointment was last week, not -- well, you're right there. ten minutes ago i had a job. it's hopeless -- i don't even know what we're looking for. tex? you mean he's here, too? be careful, adam -- please. he's already killed three men. sylvie -- ? what are you doing here? what's he up to? i'm glad. but what's all this? good lord! the stamps! where is he? sylvie -- we've got to find him! those stamps -- they're worth a fortune! a fortune! hurry -- we've got to find him! i don't see him. jean-louis! jean-louis -- thank heavens! do you have -- ! what's that? oh no! what man, jean-louis -- where? i don't blame him. jean-louis -- do you know where this monsieur flix lives? monsieur flix -- ? yes. i'm -- i'm sorry -- i don't know anything about stamps. how much is it worth? i'm afraid it is important. do you mind if i sit down? what about the blue one? what's its value today? in money. do you have anything to eat? and the orange one -- what about the orange one? and the last one? you gave the boy quite a lot of stamps in return, monsieur flix -- are they for sale now? here's ten. please keep it. i'm -- i'm sorry. adam? adam? it's me, reggie -- ! dyle -- hello -- balzac 30-04, s'il vous plait -- mr. bartholomew! thank god you're there! tex is dead, mr. bartholomew -- smothered -- and adam did it -- he killed them all! the one who said he was dyle's brother -- of course i'm sure -- tex wrote the word 'dyle' before he died. he's the murderer i tell you -- he's the only one left! you've got to do something! no, i do -- it was the stamps on that letter charles had with him on the train. they were in plain sight all the time, but no one ever bothered looking at the envelope. yes, i'm leaving now -- goodbye. why? so you can kill me too? tex is dead, i've seen him! he said dyle did it! but tex didn't -- he still thought -- ! palais royal -- vite! mais c'est trs vite! on veut me teur! come on -- please -- balzac 3 - 0 - 0 - 4. embassies -- embassies -- shh. american embassy? mr. bartholomew's office, please -- mr. bartholomew's office -- no, i can't speak any louder -- hamilton bartholomew -- b as in -- uh -- bartholomew -- that's right, and the rest as in bartholomew! but someone's trying to kill me -- you've got to send word to him -- in the center garden of the palais royal, by the colonnade -- tell him i'm trapped in a phone booth, below him in the mtro station. and my name's lampert. i'm through listening to you! then who did? you're the only one left. no! mr. bartholomew -- he's chasing me! carson -- ? he's -- with the c.i.a. -- i've seen him at the embassy. i don't know who anybody is any more! you lied to me so many times -- can i really believe you this time, adam? all right, adam. wait, please! i need some time to think! adam -- please! you didn't have to chase me so hard -- that one's done -- start on this one. i'm sorry i thought you were the murderer, adam -- how did i know that he was as big a liar as you are? the truth, now -- was it my hide -- or the stamps? all right, prove it to me -- tell me to go to the embassy first thing in the morning and turn in those stamps. i said, tell me to go to the -- then say it. never mind -- i'll go by myself. who's a taxpayer? crooks don't pay taxes. excuse me, soldier -- forgive me. whom would i see regarding the return of stolen government money? cruikshank, 216. thank you, marine. mr. cruikshank, please -- my name is lampert. mrs. well, of all the mean, rotten, contemptible, crooked -- you couldn't even be honest about being dishonest. why didn't you say something? here -- wait a minute -- how did carson dyle get an office in here, anyway? around one. then how do i know this is your office? bartholomew? starting with his own. what's your first name today? brian cruikshank -- it would serve me right if i got stuck with that one. is there a mrs. cruikshank? but you're -- divorced? oh. only if you can prove to me that you're really brian cruikshank. quit stalling -- i want to see some identification -- now! you'd lie about anything. you can't prove it, can you? you're still trying to -- marriage license! did you say -- ? you did too say it -- i heard you. oh, i love you adam -- i mean alex -- er, peter -- brian. i hope we have lots of boys -- we can name them all after you.