where is it, lady -- where've you got it? i want it -- give it to me -- it's mine! we took all the chances. the money belongs to us, not him! yeah? what's that? but who asked him? three shares are enough -- i'd say he's out! then he gets it out of your share, not mine! not mine! mrs. lampert? -- it's me -- the man who was in your room a few minutes ago -- is dyle with you? the man who hit me, lady -- dyle -- that's his name. what's wrong -- is he still there? don't trust him -- don't tell him anything. he's after the money. if you do anything funny, or try to talk to anyone, i'll kill you, dyle -- here and now. okay? next car, please. okay -- turn around. sit down. we wait -- with our mouths shut. i said with the mouth shut. okay -- up there. open it. keep going. i'll give you a chance, dyle -- which is more than you'd give me. where's the money? and i say maybe you both have it! one more time, dyle -- where is it? you're out, dyle -- right now! step back. that's the idea. yeah? hey, tex -- move the kid to the other knee or something, will you? my leg's going to sleep. who invited you? we want that money -- now! then who does? me? that's a crock! if one of us did that he wouldn't hang around here waiting for the other two to wise up. he's just tryin' to throw us off! they've got it, i tell you! why don't we search their rooms? not my room! i'll take that.