ariva durchy, charlie. miz lampert, ma'am. miz lampert, ma'am. charlie had no call to handling it this-a-way. he sure didn't. no siree. howdy, miz lampert. you know what i want, miz lampert. come on now -- sure you do. an' you'd better give it to me, miz lampert -- cuz i ain't foolin'. no sireebob! don't make too much noise, miz lampert -- it could get a whole lot worse. it belongs to me, miz lampert -- an' if you don't give it to me your life ain't gonna be worth the paper it's printed on. you savvy what i'm sayin', miz lampert? you think on it real careful-like, miz lampert -- y'hear? and then some. if you'd only told us you was goin' to her room we could've kept 'em busy -- -- but sneakin' in there on your own that-a-way, why, man, you was bound to get yore tokus kicked. i mean, what'd you think he'd do -- walk up 'n' shake you by that hand o' yores? don't be un-neighborly-like, herman -- don't forget he done us a little ol' favor. he took care of charlie for us. shoot no, not after all these years. that's right -- it's like ticklin' a alligator's belly. me. how come? if you do find the money -- you won't forget t' tell us about it, will you, fella? oh, i ain't worryin' -- but see this pudgy little fella here? he worries -- an' he's even meaner'n i am. miz lampert, my buddies 'n me, we'd oblige it mighty highly if you could mosey on across the hall 'n chew the fat with us for a spell. yes, ma'am. a little one -- 'bout seven or eight years old. th' little tyke keeps callin' you his aunt reggie -- ain't that cute? we'll be waitin' in room forty-seven, miz lampert -- so you just wiggle on over. upsy-daisy. sure am. right here -- see? howdy, miz lampert. this ain't no game, miz lampert. what are we wastin' time for? let's go. mine's in the door. ariva durchy, y'all. what's that? mebbe we'd better call herman. and if it is? you sure nuthin's missin'? there sure ain't nothin' here worth no quarter of a million. you think that mebbe we're fishin' the wrong stream? you don't s'pose one o' us has it, like the man said -- i mean, that'd be pretty distasteful -- us bein' vet'rans o' the same war 'n' all. nachurly. jus' like i'd tell you. the kid said -- hey, that's right! now who'da done a mean thing like that? this ain't my room. we could put him to bed 'n let one o' them fem-de-chambers find him in the mornin'. poor ol' herman -- him 'n good luck always was strangers. maybe now he'll meet up with his other hand someplace -- but i sure hope it ain't waitin' for him in heaven. now dyle, you listen to me -- my mama didn't raise no stupid children. i know who's got the money 'n i ain't disappearing till i got my share -- 'n' my share's growin' a whole lot bigger ev'ry day. i'll tell you what, fella -- you want t' find me, you jus' turn 'round -- from now on i'll be right behind you. sorry, fella -- the letter? the letter ain't worth nuthin'. you greenhorn -- you half-witted, thick-skulled, hare-brained, greenhorn! they wuz both too smart for us! first her husband, now her -- she hoodwinked you! she batted all them big eyes and you went 'n fell for it - like a egg from a tall chicken! here! you want? here -- it's yours! look at you! horn-swoggled by a purty face 'n all them sweet words! you killed all three of 'em for nothin'! you greenhorn! you block-headed jackass! you clod -- you booby -- you nincompoop -- !