sylvie gaudet, french, attractive, blonde, in her early thirties, comes from the railing of the sun deck to join reggie and jean-louis. including reggie, man, sylvie and jean-louis. reggie is too terrified to answer. realizing this, the man, peter joshua, takes off the snow-mask to reveal a handsome, tanned face. including reggie, in a state of near-shock. including grandpierre sitting behind his desk, and reggie, sitting across from him. the office is as bare as most policemen's offices. grandpierre studies the photo. as tex turns away from the coffin and approaches reggie and sylvie, addressing the latter -- after having first reached for his hat which he discovers he isn't wearing. including reggie and gideon and peter standing by, as well as some spectators. peter comes quickly forward. gideon turns to the woman behind him and the game resumes. scobie sees where reggie is staring; looks down at it himself, then lunges at her, raising the hand to strike. as peter climbs in through the window and joins them. including reggie and jean-louis by the door. she rises from the table and walks away. dyle hesitates a moment, then follows. as she gets to her feet and hurries to the phone. reggie does not appear.