well, angels, the experimental explosives are back in the hands of the government, and the free world can breathe just a lit-tle bit easier tonight, thanks to you three. nothing a little teamwork can't do. at least, that's what charlie's always telling us, right ladies? he sends his regrets. but he wanted you to know that dinner is on him, so feel free to celebrate. no, that's. that's okay. he is. where do i hide it? i'll be nude. understood. i'm going undercover. hot in here, isn't it? just came here to unwind a little. business these days is go go go. my company just held an initial pubic offering. so, what business are you in? computers, hunh? what do you know about this new browser from knox technologies? word on the street is, once they raise capital, they'll rule the industry. really? why not? nice talking with you. well. that was easy. in english? alex, what's your status? i don't suppose giving up would be a. i think that went very well. charlie should send me on more missions. coast is clear, dylan. let's make the switch. uh, actually miss wu, we will get to work on this right away. any evidence we find will be turned over to you and the proper authorities. oh, indeed i do. and that's why i'll take very good care of it when i find it. vacation. exactly! fire island, here i come! goodbye, angels. mr. knox. ms. wu. angels! angels, can you hear me! i don't know if you can hear me. i don't know if this thing is even working. i know you can't answer, but. i really hope you can hear this. i don't know where i am, really. i'm in a round room. the walls are white. well. not white-white. more of a cream, or an eggshell. vanilla. yes, i'm going to say vanilla. i can see the ocean. i don't know which ocean. i was blindfolded the whole time. we were flying. it must've been three or four hours. maybe more. wherever it is, they have really good pudding. natalie! is that you? there's a staircase. look for a switch. oh my god, let me help you. miami. the man knox is trying to kill has two general admission tickets to the duke- maryland game at miami arena. he's going to blow up the arena and kill his target. because angels, i was the one who purchased those tickets. think so. hurts, but it looks like it'll heel.