good morning, angels. i'm sorry to call you back from vacation, but we've got a case that just can't wait. meet eric knox. he's 28-years old, and in three days he'll be a billionaire, when his company, knox technologies, goes public. last night, knox was kidnapped from his own office. no one's heard a thing from the kidnappers. angels, meet vivian wu, vice president of finance for knox technologies. she's hired us to find knox. alex, i want you and bosley to stake out roger corwin. for the past year, he's been trying to buy knox's company and their new browser software. knox refused to sell. his company, red start systems, has the most to gain from knox's disappearance. exactly, alex. let's keep our eyes on mr. corwin, angels. if knox is still alive, corwin might lead us to him. good work, angels. not only did you save knox, you saved his company as well. sorry, angels. our work is only half-done. meet your new client, eric knox. that's where you come in, angels. we need to break into red star's computer systems to see if mr. knox's software is indeed being converted for red star's use. not as easy as that, natalie. red star's headquarters are as tightly guarded as a military facility. we're going to need reconnaissance on their mainframe computer system, and the best way to get that is through mr. corwin himself. we need to pin a camera on him to get footage of the inside of the building. thanks to alex's work at the health spa, we know that corwin will be at the san diego speedway on thursday. get close to him angels, but don't tip your hand. dylan, i need you to arrange for mr. knox's security. i'd hate to have him kidnapped again. so if we want to find proof that red star stole knox's technology, that's the computer to tap. great work, angels. you'll be happy to know you received another presidential commendation. enjoy your vacation, angels. alex, natalie -- i know you've been putting in some long hours on this case, so i thought you might enjoy a chance to catch up with some old friends.