don't need this anymore. but i sure could use this. damn i hate to fly. charlie will be joining us, won't he? hi. hi. okay. i'll be right in. not him. not him, not him, not him. oh god no. it's a mistake. a horrible, horrible mistake. here here. your boyfriend thinks you're a secretary. it's good to be him. we're on it. i drive too fast. look who's talking. three double doubles, animal style. fries. three chocolate shakes. alright, we'll hit the reception tonight. i only wish we had a clue to go on. sorry. sweet. now we've got someone to look for. the average investor sees technology stocks as discrete entities, "this one is up 50 points, this one is down 10." it's only through derivative analysis that one sees the real power of that sector. well, there are so many options. i mean, who can say what the one best choice is? for my money, keppler-wilson is a strong choice. thanks. he's cute. sixty-five percent of relationships begin in the workplace. why don't you get some more? ask him out. ask him out. pardon me. natalie. nine o'clock. thin man. you call it. copy. excuse me? excuse me, do you know which way the ladies' room is? why do they always run? he's going down. where's the challenge in that? as she creeps up behind the cover of the rolling laundry carts. she's succeeded in circling behind the thin man as he talks on the phone. 503? that's not local, where is it? eyes on the prize, nat. we gotta tap the phones. i think that can be arranged. sidles up to the bar. a group of three rednecks are downing shots, one after another. three shots of tequila, please. and one tom collins. ooh, that is an enticing offer. but i got a better idea. how about a shot contest? my treat? okay, i'll take that as a yes. bartender? bring ten shots of tequila over to my table. and keep em coming. hey, i've got an idea. now let's have a chair throwing contest. chair throwing? never heard of it? you just pick up your chair and throw it as far as you can. guten tag! guten nacht! this way. we were expecting that. right! there! where are we? yes. except for the bobsled run, and the backwards part, it's going exactly according to plan. i think we're in the clear. or maybe not. what is it? ouch. call him, he'll totally understand. he will so give you the second chance. hello, i saw the way he looked at you. well done. cocktail? i think that earns us a vacation. absolutely. but we'd all feel safer if you could join us, charlie. we're good. i've got surveillance on all the windows. don't answer the door, don't answer the phone. also, stay away from the windows. lucky for us. this is a panic button. press it and one of us can be here in ten minutes. whoever's closest. what? i can't mr. knox. i'm sorry. if you. don't be. that's you, hunh? cute kid. cute family. oh. oh, i'm sorry. i had no idea. but? wow. that's a lot for a kid to live with. boy did i have you pegged wrong. well, to be honest, i thought you were a rich kid who inherited everything. but that's pretty typical. i've got instincts for the job, but when it comes to men? well. oh. well, you are, so. no. but i. i shouldn't. no. i shouldn't. thank you for dinner, mr. knox. and lock the door behind me. i'm on it. it sounds like fun. we need someone's help. champagne, please. your best. where you off to, bos? um. well. so what, so i like him. is that so wrong? was a client. we finished the job. uh, guys? guys! i'm a big girl. i make my own decisions. i'm going out with him. where's that music coming from? oh. oh wow. that's amazing. maybe. well, i don't know what he looks like, but i feel like i know him. we all do. nope. of course, but believe me, it's impossible. i've tried. let's not talk about charlie, okay? or work. in fact, let's not talk at all. eric, it's vivian. want me to tell her to come back, or. hello? oh no. oh shit. natalie, she's here! i'm at knox's, she just showed up! i can't do that. call alex and meet me here. oh, i'm watching it. in fact, i just called for back up. i'm not much for games. all this time, we thought red star was behind this, but it was you. you faked your kidnapping. why? oh, well, in that case i feel a lot better about you being a lying pole smoker. i can't believe i trusted you. i can't believe knox tried to kill me. i mean, i've been lied to, i've been cheated on, but no guy has ever tried to shoot me before. i'm gonna get him for that. and now, thanks to us, he's had hours to download whatever top secret information he wants, for god knows what reason. don't! he's alive, he's gotta be. if. what is that? can we trace him? he could be anywhere in north america. what, pudding? oh yeah? and i suppose you could do better? oh, right. so tell me, knox, what's the brilliant plan? you gonna sell a list of our foreign spies to the highest bidder? blackmail the president? revenge? against who? seems like you're going a bit overboard. i don't know why you bother. i've already won. every moment i sit here is a moment i'm using to figure out how to take you down. in fact, this statement -- this one i'm making right here-- is just me stalling for time while i decide which of your goons i'm going to flatten first. it's gonna be the guy behind me. by the time your guys are firing, i'll be at about 180 on my reverse inverted 360, which will land me on fat boy there, as promised. he'll take the chair seat in the chin. now. i'm warning both of you: i'm going to get you to shoot each other. i know. cliche as that sounds. last, you guys -- hell, i'll make something up. we'll have fun. you won't even be here. i mean, i don't want to tell you how to do your job, but you should've killed me by now. because i already know that your people are onto my people, which means any moment now you're going to be called out to go and deal -- ah! see? here we go. okay, that part worked. now, guys, i warned you. this is where you shoot each other. okay, here's where we improvise. damn! you don't understand. he's got a pound of c-5 in that briefcase. not that i don't believe you, but how exactly do you know all this? what do you think he looks like? definitely. with black hair. we'll know him when we see him, that's for sure. aw, shit. we have to split up! i'll take the mezzanine. charlie! charlie! i'll look for the bomb! alright, dylan, all we have to do is figure out which wire to cut. oh, shit. chartreuse and magenta. this has gotta be it. it's gonna blow anyway, once the clock gets to zero. yeah, i fall for assholes, and you are one. charlie, no. no! he's trying to say something. hey, wait a second. if bosley's here. then where's charlie? any chance you'll be joining us, charlie? to charlie.