who are you? is this part of the plan? thanks. first off, thank you. you rescued me, for which i am eternally grateful. but there's still a problem. whoever kidnapped me wasn't just trying to screw up our ipo. they also stole the proprietary software for our new web browser. i'm sure it was roger corwin, but i need proof. they're bullet-proof. the last owner was paranoid. which one of you? i have a better idea. stay for dinner. i'm a pretty good cook. i'm scared. look, i didn't want to admit it, but i am. i was kidnapped once, and it wasn't fun. i know, you probably have other plans, but it would be very reassuring. come on, don't make me beg. i'm embarrassed already. thanks. it's the only picture i have of me with my parents. they died a week later. please, don't apologize. i was too young to understand. i never knew how they died. when i was a kid, when i got shuffled from one foster home to another, i always thought they just disappeared. i only found out later, my father was in the military. he and my mother were killed while he was on assignment, somewhere in eastern europe. the files were classified, but i read enough to know that he was a good man. apparently, he was betrayed by one of his own team. yeah, but it motivated me, losing my family. it still does. i don't take anything for granted. how do you mean? i'm glad you don't see me as just a client. is there someone you need to be going home to? shouldn't you? there! that's the room with the mainframe. everything at red star goes through that system. exactly. but they have heavy firewalls and encryption. you can't jack in from outside. you'll have to physically be in that room to get at the data. now i know why i hired you. you're the best. vivian, please. do as the man says. more champagne? and you? you'll see. just a little farther. can i ask you a personal question? how much do you know about charlie? i just find it strange that you work for a man you've never met. and none of you have any clue who he actually is? and you're never curious to find out? hmmm. i wonder what she's here for? no, no. i'd better deal. you go back to bed. vivian just came over to run through some numbers for the ipo. sorry dylan. i knew this moment would come sooner or later. i was just hoping for later. to gain your trust. and get your help. i want you to know, my personal attraction to you was a sincere and unrelated complication. why not? you trust charlie and you've never even met him. and believe me, there's a lot about him that you don't know. anyway, i'm not going to be an idiot and stand here talking when we could do something useful, like kill you. goodbye, dylan, i'll miss you. wow. i've never seen you do something like that. we've got more important things to do. well? goddamnit! finally. how about bosley? did we get the information we wanted? hmmm. miami arena. preparations have been made? excellent. where is bosley? well? no time like the present. dylan, how nice. welcome to my florida home. not as tasteful as the one in la, but much more private. the first plan is too complicated, and the second is virtually impossible. besides, i already have all the money i need and my motivation is much simpler. . revenge. you know what? i'm not in a gabby mood right now. i've got a score to settle. no, just leaving myself plenty of margin for error. goodbye, dylan. let's go! i wouldn't do that, if i were you. see, if you snip any of those wires, the bomb will blow up. who told you that, my idiotic henchman? do you think i tell him anything that's confidential? this is what triggers that bomb. so if you'll kindly step away, i'll refrain from killing both of us. in different circumstances, dylan, i think you and i could have worked out. we have a lot in common. good one. well, i must be going. if you like your body parts attached to your torso, i suggest you do the same. no! i'll blow this building sky high, i swear! charlie? it's still your fault, you arrogant prick! you still killed my father! okay. you're right. i'll just kill you.