you okay, boss? don't know. i'll keep an eye out. whenever you say something like that, it means more work for me. our access was cut off at the source. but not before we retrieved the information you wanted. the national security agency's secret file on the man known as charles townsend. once we we drugged him, he sang like a bird. yes. we move out tonight. in the tower. we were waiting till you gave the word. it's not moving. oh, this is the oldest one in the book. punch up camera three. now pan left. the old re-loop the video camera trick. and look, she's not even carrying a gun. what is this, amateur hour? um, excuse me? i think you're trespassing. no offense, but as "storming the castle" plans go, this one sucked. yeah, i sure as hell could. how about an underwater entry? or hang gliding over the main tower? there's a million good ways in, if you just do your homework. present for you, sir. is that so? don't move. you move, you say anything, i perforate you. got it? hey, movie star, do yourself a favor and get lost. that was stupid.