could you sign it to a really big fan! holden sits at a table. across from the barely-managing- to-stand fan. he offers him a patronizingly kind, half- smile in return, i love this book man! this shit's awesome. i wish i was like these guys - getting stoned, talking all raw about chicks and fighting supervillains! i love these guys! they're like cheech and chong' meet bill and fed'! yeah! who! banky signs the book of another collector. do you know how much it's going for these days? one ten. you signing it will push that up even higher, i don't know if this is true, but i heard once that there was going to be an animated series. what happened! that sucks man. that would've been awesome. is that what happened to you and holden mcneil? you got into a fight over the rights or something? whatever happened to him? you guys don't talk anymore?