smells like somebody shit in his cereal. we were at the mall. you bring the salad? man, this likeness rights shit is more profitable than selling smoke. we deal to a lot of lawyers. speaking of which. little signing bonus and shit! yeah. when you gonna get some pussy in that book, man! throw some super- villain in with big fucking tits that shoot milk or something, and i just drink her dry, bust some moves on her. . and then she has to fuck me. fuck us. yo flo - tell mel to whip me up a toasted bagel and cream cheese. you want one too? make that two. and kiss my grits. noonch. d'jever watch 'alice'? that show's good as hell. so why the long face, horse? banky on the rag? bitch pressing charges? i get that a lot. kick her to the curb. girls get to be too much trouble, there's always the 'band of the hand'. ah, there ain't no such thing. you gotta boil it all down to the essentials. it's like cube says - life ain't nothing but bitches and money. who is this girl? come on man - i'm people who know people. that's 'cause i got this tubby bitch playing her greatest hits tape in my ear all the time. you should see him: she starts singing 'you don't bring me flowers', this faggot starts crying like a little girl with a skinned knee and shit. it's embarrassing. i got the only muscle in the world with a weakness for ballads. you big fucking softie. so what's this skirt's name! i ain't playing. tell me her name, mysterio. finger cuffs? you're dating finger cuffs? wait a minute i thought she was all gay and shit! and you go out with her? shit, man - you're a lucky dog. she bring other chicks to bed with you, get a little of that filet o' fish sammich going on? yeah - you know what i'm talking about, baby. so - four tits, or what? well what's it like then? i'll say. stuffin' two guys, eating chicks out. yo - i heard one time, she had this dog. look at this touchy mother fucker right here. so, if you're all in love with her, what's the problem? you think good; because now she'll be all true blue and shit. the girl's tasted life, yo. now she's settlin' for your boring, funny-book-makin' ass. that's what i'm here for. you're scaring me. what do you look so shocked for? he does this all the time. fat bastard thinks just because he never says anything, that it'll have some huge impact when he does open his fucking mouth. when? what'd she 'live in canada' or something? why don't i remember this? just cell your fucking story so we can get out of here and smoke this. saint shithead. fucking a. enough of this fucking melodrama. my advice - forget her, dude. there's one woman in the world. one woman, with many faces. get up, bitch we gotta book. we're catching a bus to chi-town. business, yo. how many more of those phat envelopes do we got coming to us? yeah? good. i'll be glad as shit when it's gone. i know. i spend every fucking waking hour with one of them. but it ain't like us at all - all slapsticky and shit - running around like dicks, saying. what's that shit you got me saying? 'snootchie-bootchies'. who talks like that? that's baby-talk. it's a big world, g - but we're bound to run into you again. until then - keep your unit on you. knock it off! get your fat ass moving - we got a bus to catch. jedi-bitch.