please tell me you haven't blown this deal already. hey, every mother but your's - a shyster's gotta have his standards. shall we? jim, sean - could we have a few minutes! so? did i do good? do you know how much you'll make on merchandising alone! money dnd power, and money and. what?!? are you out of your fucking mind! is it me! i don't see the problem. oh god - not on carrie fisher again! holden - she's not really a princess. please. like i even read your comic, let alone anyone else's, i'm not limited to offering you legal counsel only, my friend. i'm also learned in the ways of the heart, and can offer you this advice - nail her, get it out of your system, and move on. like we say at sloss law - good fences make good neighbors. she's gay? you fell for a gay, comic- book writing chick? holden, you poor, poor man! wait a sec - does she have representation! would you leave his stuff alone! you can break her resolve, killer. all it takes is one good man. but if it takes two good men, don't hesitate to call me. that being said, in regards to the more pressing issue, i suggest you leave art to the museums and grab on with both hands to the big, fat check. how'd you fall for that!