well, well,well, walt did you see who it is! the local celebrities. quick - get them to autograph one of their books so we can sell it for triple it's value. and obviously your handlers or hangers- on convinced you that your first comic was good which it was not it was thoroughly mediocre with a few spiky bits of dialogue. and when you get your foot in the door of the business, what do you do! you turn out a piece of shit like bluntman and chronic'. bluntman and chronic'. pah. what was that thing the little stoner pulled on the villain in the last issue! stinky-palm. you give comics a bad name i tell all my customers not to buy it, to spend their money on a real comic book. this is the reality at comic-toast - you're not going to get your ass kissed here, because both me and walt think you suck. i said that. steve-dave offers the boys his two middle fingers, then goes back to playing his game with walt. holden and banky stare, shocked. banky nudges holden and they both exit steve-dave and the fan-boy slap hands and go back to playing. you're such a bitch! but thankfully, i've saved a dark forces shaman card for just such an occasion. i schooled their asses, now i'm schooling your's. suddenly. a trash can crashes through the front window. steve-dave and walt hit the deck like bitches, covering one another. they look up slowly. steve-dave leaps to his feet and looks at the shattered mess. he pulls something off the garbage can and reads it. that won't be necessary. because this is a check for three times what that window cost. dear critics - thanks for the insight. but like my grandmother always said - fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. and break their window.' kiss it, banky the hack. p.s. - your card game blows.