let me guess - 'the right man'? you've got it in your head that alyssa's not really into chicks - that she just hasn't met the right man. and you believe you're it. you're going to treat her right, fuck her like a stud, and 'straight-jacket' her back from the land of the lost. and the sad truth is that you'll accomplish none of that and wind up as either an even more bitter misogynist or a reverse fag-hag. actually, it's just my way of saying "give it up." when you file the date-rape charges, don't say i didn't warn you. i'm the voice of reason that miss bitch is having such a hard time listening to. that's what every guy says before he tries purring your hand on his dick. because i lapdance for a living, dick- head. i'm going to get a soda. you want anything? who was that?