jody is slowly pedaling her bicycle next to sandy. the killer's car, the black imperial, lurks in the shadows of a suburban street. the killer is staking out a specific house. carloads of kids head toward cherry falls, howling out the windows, guzzling beer. police cars screech to a stop, barricading the entrances to town, preparing for the onslaught. it's st. michaels church. brent pulls over. jody rides down the street, just pedaling fast, as fast as she can. she's in her own world, very upset. in leonard's rear view mirror we see jody pedaling behind him. kenny runs down the street, heading toward jody's house. he stops to catch his breath for a second. he notices something. kenny crosses the street to leonard's house and inspects the bicycle. it's hers. kenny peddles as fast as he can, going up onto the sidewalk but that doesn't stop leonard. he comes screeching up on the sidewalk right behind kenny, ready to run him over. leonard can't hold the car straight and it 360s across several lawns. finally stopping, smashing into a parked car. kenny and jody appear from a backyard, across the street from the party.