a teenage boy's hand is under a teenage girl's shirt, gently massaging her breast. he pulls his hand out from under her shirt and places it on her bare knee. rod catches himself. he looks at his bloodied face in the rear view mirror and realizes what he's done. rod pulls up next to her and rolls down his window. rod, frustrated, hits the steering wheel and floors it. rod sits up in his seat, thinking he's heard something rod grabs his flashlight from the glove compartment. the boy pulls his hand from under the girl's shirt and unsnaps her jeans. she pushes his hand away but he puts it right back, wriggling a finger down into her pants. jody and kenny drive home, not talking. three stoners are smoking a bowl in their car. they are not nearly as collaborative or supportive of one another as the girls were. brent pulls up to the house. he sits and stares for a moment. brent is driving out of the indiana town when he sees something out the window. mark's car pulls up in front of the party house. sandy squeezes his arm, excited. music blares from the house. they all hop out and head up to the bash. ben and cindy arrive. leonard drives down the road. he smiles into his rear view mirror. a body is hidden under a blanket. leonard picks it up. it's too heavy. leonard starts the car. leonard steps on the gas. leonard has pulled over down the street from the party. the officer rolls down the window.