annette has never seen this woman before. we still don't see the killer's face. the killer lowers annette's throat closer to the shard of glass. annette's throat touches the glass. she's all but lost. annette's eyes roll up into her head. jody tears for the front door. police are scouring the house. jody is trying to sup some hot chocolate but her hands are still shaking. kenny sees her from his bedroom window. an old rundown house. the clutter smells. whoever lived here had little to no self respect. garbage is piled up in every corner, order is nowhere. brent is repulsed by what he sees. he wasn't expecting such chaos. he knows he helped create this mess. a kid raided his parent's liquor cabinet, pouring five different types of liquor into a pickle jar. kids file through the house, creating floor space, moving furniture, piling it high. kenny's pov - jody's coat and purse are still on the couch. leonard comes out of the basement and peers into the living room.