cut it out. i was supposed to be home fifteen minutes ago. i got to get home. kenny. what? daddy you scared me! what? i was at sandy's i just it won't happen again. dad ! most of my friends can stay out until 11 on school nights and 1 on weekends! hello. one second. hey adolph, it's the station! hi. i dunno. my dad never came home last night. yes mr. marliston? hi daddy. hi mr. sisler. i'm fine. i've just never had someone my age die before. it's so weird. i've been in the same class with stacy for years but we weren't tight or anything. no. those two were together before kenny and i started hanging out and that's over, what, god a year now. i will. is that all? go sit next to him. mark shale. don't you want to talk to him? you watch him eat everyday. you stare at him non-stop, like every lunch. like this. like most people stare at car accidents. you eventually have to talk to him. you're going to look really amoebic splitting off from me now. just a little. no. why? if they had ever gone all the way? you wouldn't? you could tell him you really liked the way he chews with his back molars. you are 'sp fucking' wrong. but you can't do any of it. so it sucks. i always have to 'set an example'. does she fuck? mr. jenkins called on me in class today. it was so embarrassing. i was seriously spaced. i'd been thinking about kenny for over twenty minutes. when i snapped out of it, i looked pathetic. i was teared up. everyone was staring at me. that i was sorry. i'd drifted off. that i'd been thinking about stacy and rod. i was desperate. it was gross. he says he loves me. maybe i should blister through a bottle of tequila and just fuck his brains out. you're the one always saying 'just do it'. i don't know what i'm so scared of. how do you know what to type back when they start to cyber with you. i promised i'd go right home after school. come in. what's wrong? how personal? what do you mean? well yeah. of course. everyone kisses. a little. daddy! i don't think this is any of your business! not much further. daddy, are you upset that i'm still a virgin?! you are upset. i thought you'd be pleased. sandy, you have to chill out, at least two-thirds of the kids in our class are still virgins. he can't butcher all of us. not that many. no?! hello? yes? yeah. kenny's aunt? on what side of the family? his mother's an only child. help! it was a she. she said she was kenny's aunt lisa. someone tried to kill me. a little larger nose. that's her. you know her? who is she daddy? no i wasn't. nothing. i just picked up the phone to say goodbye to you. you didn't say goodbye. fine. are you? what? what party? no. ok. i won't. you're thinking of sleeping with mark tonight? didn't you have something a little more romantic in mind for your first time? stag? i can't right now. i'm fine. i did. yeah. i think it's really sick. three of our classmates are dead. that's not really the occasion for a party. did sharon say no? i'm so flattered but i can't. i'm grounded. no i'm really grounded. when i got in late the other night, my father was waiting up for me. i'm not using him as an excuse. i do not. i have to go home after school. i have something really important i have to ask my mom. i'll think about it. hi mom. mom? i need to ask you something. have you ever heard of someone named lisa sherman? yeah. who is she? i overheard daddy mentioning her to someone. i he thinks she's the killer. that's what he said. no but he got really weird. like i've never seen him act. really angry and super uptight. no. i think she lived her a long time ago. like twenty-eight years ago. when dad was eighteen. the library. i'll be fine. hi miss dunlop. where do you keep the old town papers? twenty eight years ago. this place is empty. you heard about that? don't you think it's sick? you miss dunlop? no. is that you miss dunlop? who's there? mom? you were spying on me. who is she? whoever tried to kill me was made up to look exactly like this picture of lisa sherman, clothes and all. i think that concerns me. you going to drag me out and me in my room until i go to college? wait. i'm not leaving. i want to know why you and dad are so freaked out. three of my classmates are dead. attacked how? you didn't believe her? why not? people thought these guys had a right to rape her because she called them 'queers'? and the police did nothing? how could you? the word is mob. who were they? the men. do any of them still live around here? you're not telling me something. the principal? who was the fourth? dad? that's why he called mr. sisler first. he was one of them. no! my dad acts like he's johnny fucking perfect and he's really johnny fucking rapist. i can't believe i listened to one word of his shit. so i should feel happy that he got away with it? let's just start a party right here, right fucking now. what's wrong? am i doing something wrong? i'm making you feel like meat? you break up with me because i won't fuck you. you flaunt some slut in my face. and when i finally agree to spread my legs, you accuse me of treating you like meat. this party is sick. what? then go to the party. run with the herd kenny. just don't spew out all that 'be an individual, assert yourself' crap anymore. i'm ok. yes. i am. ok. should i put my bike in the back of your car? sure. you know about that too? of course i'm scared. you think i should go to the party, mr. marliston? i just feel so manipulated. by everyone. my dad, my boyfriend, and now some psychopath i don't even know. really? me? why me? what do you know about my father? _ your father raped someone? yes. you're the killed. help! somebody help! no! my dad's down there! i can't walk. i think he cut right through a tendon. go to the police station! fuck! it's him. thanks for coming back for me. where are the police? oh god it's him! what are you doing? jimmy leave him alone! he's imbalanced. he's dangerous jimmy! no! kenny! please! you wouldn't kill your sister, would you? we have the same color eyes. oh god, this is the way it should be.