why? so? you're already late. a few more minutes won't matter. fuck your curfew. most sixth graders can stay out later than you. you know, maybe we ought to start seeing other people. jody, we've been going out for over a year. i love you but i'm all out of patience. are you o.k.? i heard you got attacked. i was worried about you. did you hear about the bash? why? nobody wants to be the fourth. please go with me. you know i want to go with you. everyone's grounded. there's a killer on the loose. if you don't want to go with me just say so. say 'kenny, i don't want to make love to you' but don't use your dad as an excuse. i'm so sick of it. yes you are. you always do. it's why we broke up. you always hide behind him. i feel like i need you dad's permission just to kiss you. jody, it's time to assert yourself to be a big girl. an individual. i'm going to this party tonight. jimmy's my ride. come over to my house after school. we'll go together. they're not picking me up until six. yes! jody! yes! you're here. all our parents are weirdoes. i think my dad is into hookers. i know he lit cats on fire when he was a kid. i think this is a big part of growing up. it's losing your spiritual virginity. it's when you finally discover that your parents aren't anything they told you they were. they're even bigger hypocrites than your friends. but if he'd been sent to jail, there would be no jody. i don't know. i kind of am. are you coming to the party? just making me feel like a piece of meat. yeah. that's not why we broke up. sharon's far from a slut. jody, you're only doing this to get back at your dad. it doesn't have that much to do with me. please don't go. please. stay, we'll just talk. then go to the party. jody. wait. i'm scared. three kids are dead. i want to go to this party. just thinking about something. there's going to be very few virgins left in school on monday. it could be really dangerous for them if the killer isn't caught. i got to go. i'm worried about someone. jody was right, this party is sick. hello? jody? oh, hey mr. marliston. w-what's jody's bike doing on your front porch? alright, marliston, i know she's here. that was jody! jody?! he's dead! we've got to get the fuck out of here! climb on. deputy webber's at the party. it's only three blocks away. shit. i love you. quick! in the house. he won't look for us in there. pretend we're just another couple. it's him. jody?! come on. lets get out of here. it's all over now. i'm all out of patience.