who? why? i don't watch him eat everyday. the seat behind him is open. come on, i can eavesdrop too. why? all my mom and dad ever do is watch each other eat and they've been married for twenty years. no! that's his table. what's up with that? and she didn't? that's horrible. what am i supposed to say? 'nice sweater mark'? 'did you buy it at eddie bauer's?' you're so fucking lucky your dad is the sheriff. you get to be a little chelsea clinton. everyone wants to meet you. party with you. have sex with you. he's just trying to mess with your head. ignore him. i doubt it. who'd want to fuck her. she probably reeks worse than the docks down in those panties. oh nice save. kenny'll come running back. this is just his way of pressuring you. personally i think he has a deep, almost pathological desire to corrupt you. but i suppose that's a type of love. i certainly wish someone wanted to corrupt me. no! that was before he pulled this 'dick me or i dump you' shit. i say fuck his best friend. want to come in for awhile? log onto aol, flirt with some married men, head into a private s&m chat room . . . i keep a couple of my dad's porno books hidden in my desk for emergency reference. ok. increase the peace. what are we going to do? there will be a lot fewer by tomorrow night. you watch. there's going to be a hymen holocaust tomorrow. maybe i'll finally talk to mark shale. andy! i'm on the phone! your services? mom! oh my god. are you ok? the phone just went dead. i called the police and ran right over as fast as i could. bye mom. hi mark, cindy, ben. yes. i was just curious mark, if you brought a twinkie today? you got a great mom. i'm lucky to get a zucchini stick. yeah i was talking about twinkies the other day and i realized i hadn't had one in years. then i remembered seeing you with one. thanks. no, you keep one. you ok? hurricane hormone. it's flattened the whole school. guess what? mark invited me to the party. shh. ben's party. tonight. haven't you heard? you can't tell your parents. especially not your dad. it's like a pop your cherry party. everyone's saying it's 'fuck or die' time. unless he makes a move during seventh period. i kind of like the idea that we can all lose it together, on the same night. it'll be a lot less scary. you have to go. kenny'll want to go with you. cindy's holding a q and a session at the bleachers. come on. jody, you have to go to the party. for your own safety. daddy. you're not? so are you. you're the one who's hand is shaking.