you aren't planning to tell these kids that 'virgin' was tattooed into both stacy and rod, are you? good. fine, just don't mention the carving this is going to be a tough enough day as it is. hi jody. could you tell mr. marliston we'd like to see him. the kids adore him. they confide in him. his patchouli reeking rear might know if stacy and rod were really virgins. why didn't you ask jody that? so? why not? you worried you might find out how much she actually knows? come in leonard. have you met brent marken? oh god brent, is there anything you don't feel guilty about? focus on the present. you always want to change the past. let's figure out what you are going to tell the parents today, not what you should told them yesterday. you tell these people someone is out there killing virgins and we're going to have a goddamn fuckfest on our hands. that's impossible. calm down brent.