hello, jake. i have a cold i can't seem to shake but other than that, i'm fine. yeah, they are. i think we can make an exception. i'll see he's careful with the matches. how'd you get past the guards? you've done well by yourself. well, sometimes it takes a while for a man to find himself and i guess you have. you're behind the times, jake. they've got steam irons now. and i'm out of chinatown. since i made lieutenant. uh-huh. so what are you doing here? who? oh yes. you're welcome to try. there he is. it looks like he was washed the entire length of the runoff channel. could he swim? obviously the fall must have knocked him out. this alleged affair he was having. the publicity didn't make him morose or unhappy? but there is no possibility he would have taken his own life? mrs. mulwray, do you happen to know the name of the young woman in question? do you know where she might be? you and your husband never discussed her? a complete surprise? but i thought you'd hired a private investigator. mr. gittes. and when did mr. gittes inform you that these rumors had some foundation in fact? you wouldn't happen to know the present whereabouts of the young woman. or her name? i don't think so, mrs. mulwray. of course you have my deepest sympathy and if we need anymore information, we'll be in touch. i don't want it anymore. no. it was an accident. that's right. out of respect for his civic position. no, he drowned a cousin of mine with about five hundred other people. but they weren't very important, just a bunch of dumb mexicans living by a dam. now beat it, gittes, you don't come out of this smelling like a rose, you know. when i do, you'll hear about it. find anything interesting, gittes? what are you doing here? how do you happen to know her? let me show you something. isn't that your number? just to be on the safe side, we had loach here give you a ring. loach. how about these? look familiar? how did she. . happen to have them? you really think i'm stupid, don't you, gittes? i want the rest of the pictures. this broad hired you, gittes, not evelyn mulwray. yeah. somebody wanted to shake down mulwray, she hired you, and that's how you happen to know mulwray was murdered. c'mon, you think you're dealing with a bunch of assholes? mulwray had salt water in his goddam lungs! now how did he get that. in a fresh water reservoir? you were following him night and day. you saw who killed him. you even took pictures of it. it was evelyn mulwray. she's been paying you off like a slot machine ever since her husband died. absolutely. yeah, i once knew a whore who for enough money would piss in a customer's face, but she'd never shit on his chest. that's where she drew the line. i want those photographs, gittes. we're talking about accessory after the fact, conspiracy, and extortion. minimum. and why's that? what are you talking about? too late for what? reach anybody? i know who he is. well? shut up. go on. have your client in my office in two hours and remember. i don't have to let you go. i've got you for withholding evidence right now. i don't suppose you got any idea where she went? where? what's the maid's address? no, gittes, you'll show us. if she's not there, you're going downtown, and you're staying there til she shows up. tell us about it on the way to pedro. that's it? well, let's go. you never learn, do you, gittes? give you three minutes. mrs. mulwray, you don't want to run around like that. mrs. mulwray, it's a very serious offense pointing that at an officer of the law. it's a felony. i'm sorry, mrs. mulwray. gittes, stay outta this. i'll just have her followed. she's not going anywhere. take it easy, take it easy, it was an accident. jake, you're very disturbed. you're crazy. that's her father. you wanna do your partner the biggest favor of his life? take him home. just get him the hell out of here!