yes, that mulwray, mr. gittes. and since you agree with me we've never met, you must also agree that i haven't hired you to do anything. certainly not spy on my husband. i see you like publicity, mr. gittes. well, you're going to get it. i don't get tough with anybody, mr. gittes. my lawyer does. yes, mr. gittes? would you like something to drink? iced tea. my husband's at the office. that's not his apartment. mr. gittes, you've talked me into it. i'll drop the lawsuit. i said i'll drop it. so let's just drop the whole thing. sugar? lemon? yes, mr. gittes? why?. what on earth for? look, hollis seems to think you're an innocent man. what do you mean? you may if you can, mr. gittes. suppose they did. how does it concern you? it's very personal. it couldn't be more personal. is this a business or an obsession with you? no. i went riding rather early. no, just riding bareback, that's all. anyway, you might try the oak pass or stone canyon reservoirs. sometimes at lunch hollis takes walks around them. otherwise he'll be home by 6:30. please call first. of course. well, it didn't make him happy. no. no. certainly not! he. we did. he wouldn't tell me her name. we quarreled over her. of course. it came as a complete surprise to me. yes. a private investigator? well yes. but i. i. did that because i thought it was a nasty rumor i'd put an end to. will you need me for anything else, lieutenant? just a minute. oh. thank you. thank you for going along with me. i just didn't want to explain anything. i'll send you a check. to make it official, i hired you. tom collins with lime, not lemon, please. yes. as i said, i was very grateful. well, how much would you like? i have? mr. gittes. don't tell me how i feel. it wasn't much of a lie. but he wasn't killed. well, i suppose i am. actually i knew about the affair. my husband. i was grateful. why? unless what? i don't like the word 'cheat.' mr. gittes. well i wouldn't run home and tell him whenever i went to bed with someone, if that's what you mean. is there anything else you want to know? i can't tell you. i mean i can't tell you. i don't see anyone for very long, mr. gittes. it's difficult for me. now i think you know all you need to about me. i didn't want publicity. i didn't want to go into any of this, then or now. is this all? k. cross. yes. why? you must've had a reason to ask me that. you seem to have had a reason for every other question. i don't believe you. how did it happen? maybe putting your nose in other people's business? another satisfied client? tough guy, huh? oh, no. i've got my own car. the creamcolored packard. what for? there's nothing more to say. get my car, please. mr. gittes. what's your usual salary? whoever's behind my husband's death, why have they gone to all this trouble? i'll pay your salary plus five thousand dollars if you find out what happened to hollis and who is involved. yes, of course. it was quite a while after. i was just out of grade school when they did that. oh. no!. yes, a little. you see hollis and my fa. my father had a falling out. not over me. why would they have a falling out over me? not exactly. well, i mean, yes. yes and no. hollis felt the public should own the water but i don't think my father felt that way. actually, it was over the van der lip. the dam that broke. yes. he never forgave him for it. for talking him into building it, he never forgave my father. they haven't spoken to this day. of course i'm sure. what are you thinking? what dam? the valley? no. jasper lamar crabb? no, i think i'd remember. and hollis knew about it? what? what is it? is that unusual? they just don't get along very well. dad's a lamb with anyone else. they can't be. i'll stay. get in. why? i gave everybody the night off. no question from you is innocent, mr. gittes. tell me something. does this usually happen to you, mr. gittes? well, i'm only judging on the basis of one afternoon and an evening, but if that's how you go about your work, i'd say you're lucky to get through a whole day. when was the last time? just. i don't know why. i'm asking. what were you doing there? doing what? the district attorney gives his men advice like that? bothers you to talk about it, doesn't it? oh sure. c'mon. doctor did a nice job. boy oh boy, you're a mess. so why does it bother you to talk about it. chinatown. hold still. why? no. why was it. could you do anything about it? what's wrong? what about it? oh that. it's a flaw in the iris. yes, sort of a birthmark. hello. no, no, i'll come and help, just keep watching her and don't do anything until i get there. 'bye. i have to go. just. i have to. please don't be angry. believe me, it's got nothing to do with you. please!. trust me this much. i'll be back. look, there is something i should tell you. the fishing club that old lady mentioned, the pieces off the flag. it has to do with my father. he owns it. you know? you saw my fa. father? when? you didn't tell me. what did he say? what did he say? do? to who? i want you to listen to me. my father is a very dangerous man. you don't know how dangerous. you don't know how crazy. you may think you know what's going on, but you don't. it's possible. it's possible. please don't ask me any more questions now. just wait, wait for me. i'll be back. i need you here. you bastard. the police? she's not tied up! i am not! no! she's too upset. hollis' death. i tried to keep it from her, i didn't want her upset before i could make plans for her to leave. yes. what does it look like? you're insane. you won't go to the police if i tell you? she's my sister. i can't. i would never ever have harmed hollis. i loved him more than my own family. he was the most gentle, decent man imaginable. and he put up with more from me than you'll ever know. i just wanted him to be happy. aren't you coming back with me? that's not what i meant. how are you? i was calling you. did you get some sleep? did you have lunch? kyo will fix you something. upstairs. why? she's having a bath now. why do you want to see her? yes, we've got a 4:30 train to catch. why? what are you doing? what's wrong? i told you we've got a 4:30. what did you do that for? no. what the hell is this all about? i don't know. i mean yes, probably. what are you saying? i don't know what you're talking about. this is the most insane. the craziest thing i ever. no. i'll tell you the truth. katherine. she's my daughter. she's my sister. she's my daughter. my sister. my daughter, my sister. she's my sister and my daughter! for god's sake, kyo, keep her upstairs, go back! my father and i, understand, or is it too tough for you? he had a breakdown. the dam broke. my mother died. he became a little boy. i was fifteen. he'd ask me what to eat for breakfast, what clothes to wear!. it happened. then i ran away. hollis came and took. care of me. after she was born. he said. he took care of her. i couldn't see her. i wanted to but i couldn't. i just want to see her once in a while. take care of her. that's all. but i don't want her to know. i don't want her to know. no. for turning his back on me after it happened! he couldn't face it. i hate him. back to mexico. how about a plane? i have to go home and get my things. where can we go? with us. okay. those didn't belong to hollis. he didn't wear bifocals. from the stairs. she has her arm around katherine. say hello to mr. gittes, sweetheart. he lives at 1712 alameda. do you know where that is? holds the gun. she's shaking but apparently in control of herself. no, don't help him. don't do anything. she's gone. it's no good. i'm all right. she's never going to know that.