well, you're not going fishing. but that's what you told your wife. lots of fellas do. tell the little woman they're going on a fishing trip, then shack up with some little twist on the island. she pretty? is the pope catholic? who are you, mister?. i ask because he doesn't see a whole lot of people. that right?. she used to be some looker. she must be about thirty-three, thirty- four. no, he's only got one, i remember her age, i read it in the newspapers when she ran away. oh yeah, it was a big thing at the time. julian cross' daughter. god almighty. she was a wild little thing. course, she settled down nicely. that's for sure. oh, you know. she was sixteen or seventeen. she ran off to mexico. rumor was she was knocked up and didn't even know who the father was. went there to get rid of it. cross was looking for her all over the country. offered rewards, everything. felt real sorry for him, with all his money.