if you'll allow us to complete our preliminary questioning, by then he'll be free. mrs. mulwray, may i present mr. gittes? they got into a terrific argument outside the pig 'n whistle. i don't know. the traffic was pretty loud. i only heard one thing – apple core. yeah. look, you tell me to take pictures, i take pictures. look, jake. she gave us mulwray's real phone number and address. no, no. she said not to call, her husband might answer. so he says you sent them? so some contractor wants to build a dam and he makes a few payoffs. so what? think you can nail mulvihill? they'll claim you were trespassing. yeah? sue people like that they're liable to be having dinner with the judge who's trying the suit. jake, it's chinatown. they're all over the place. you oughta know better.