welcome peter adam's son, welcome susan and lucy daughters-of-eve. welcome beavers. you have my thanks, but where is the fourth. peace oreius. i know dear and that makes the betrayal all the worse. it may be harder than you think that is cair paravel of the four thrones one of which you must sit as high king. you doubt the prophecy peter pevensie formerly of finnchley. beaver also said you wanted to turn him into a hat. you were able to get your family here. i will do what i can for edmund. i too want my family safe. follow him! he'll lead you to edmund. peter, clean your sword. rise, sir peter wolfsbane--knight of narnia. what's done is done. there is no reason to bring up the past with your brother. his offence was not against you. do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. i was there when it was made. enough, i shall talk with you alone. the witch has denounced her claim on edmund aren't you suppose to be in bed? i would be glad of the company tonight. it is time. from now on, i must go on alone. thank you susan. thank you lucy. and farewell. if the witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the deep magic a little differently. for she would know that if a willing victim who had committed no treachery died in a traitors stead, the stone table would crack and death itself would begin to unwind. we will, but not alone. now, climb on my back. we have a long ways to go and little time to get there. and you might want to cover your ears. roar!!!!!!!!!!!!! come, lets search the castle - others may still be trapped inside and peter will need all the help he can get. it is finished. bring forth the crowns! to the glistening eastern sea, i give you queen lucy the valiant. to the great western woods, king edmund the just. to the radiant southern sun, queen susan the gentle. and to the clear northern skies, king peter the magnificent. once a king or queen of narnia, always a king or queen.