tumnus. he gave it to me just before they took him. further in. is everything alright? that's better left for safer corners. there is home sweet home. merely a trifle. i would have given you a week if i thought it would help enjoying the scenery, are we? yeah, there's a load full of hope. aslan is on the move. aslan. you silly little blighter. you don't know do you? he's only the king the whole wood, the true king of narnia. and he's waiting for you! i know, but you're missing the point! well you'd better be, aslan's already fitted out your army!!! you may not have to. has edmund been to narnia before? shh! they'll hear ya! this should lead to aslan's he was my best mate! stand still there traitor. well you look mighty like one of the bad guys. worst day of the year you've seen aslan! now aslan's camp is just over there by the stone table just across the frozen river. come on, before we're old hurry up son-of-adam! we don't have all day. it's her! run! no, you're no good to narnia dead. thanks dear. ahhh!. i hope you've been good, because there is someone here to see you. wait, maybe i should go first. don't worry about me! slit his throat! don't listen to him. kill him. kill him now! your brother has you well looked after. oh stop your fussing mrs. beaver. you look lovely. he betrayed them your excellence! you better come quick the white witch has requested a meeting with aslan.