come on! to the shelter, now! come on idiot why do you always have to be so selfish! you only think about yourself. why can't you ever do as you're told! if dad wasn't fighting and the war was over we wouldn't have to go. i will mum come on, we've got to stay together now. everything's going to be okay bye mom, we'll miss you mrs. macready? no, ma'am. it's just us. ed! is it latin? but we're already having so much fun! one. two. three. four. eight four, eighty five. 98, 99, 100. ready or not here i come. you know, i'm not sure if you two have quite gotten the idea of this game! i don't think lucy wants to play anymore. one game at a time lu, we don't all have your imagination. why don't you just stop it, you always have to make everything worse. grow up! susan's right. that's enough. lucy, what are talking about? you saw the faun? we are very sorry sir, it won't happen again. we can handle it! the wardrobe upstairs, lucy thinks she's found a forest inside. you're-you're not saying you believe her? you. you actually believe her? edmund said they were only pretending no, this would be the first time. peter winds up, goes for the bowl! whoops! wake up, dolly daydream! i thought you said that it was a kid's game. are you ready then? well done, ed! run! go! i don't suppose saying we're sorry would quite cover it? you little liar! apologize to lucy. say you're sorry! i think lucy must decide! well mr. tumnus it is we can use these coats. well i don't think the professor will mind. and if you think about it logically we are not even taking them out of the wardrobe. i know. lucy! it's out of our hands now lu. maybe we should call the police don't worry lucy, we'll think of something here, boy *clicks* come here*clicks* he say's he knows the faun. yes. we were just talking is there nothing we can do about mr. tumnus? well we haven't actually been here very long and you think we're the ones??? i think you've made a mistake; we're not heroes! i think it's time we were going. sorry lucy. it's out of our hands. ed, time to go- ed? i'm going to kill him. hurry up! get off me! we just can't let him go! so you knew this would happen? then take us to him. only if the witch has toast. what do you suggest? we just want to get our brother back. it seems so far if he tells me to hurry up one more time i'm going to turn him into a big fluffy hat i'll go and have a look did you hear what he said. winter is almost over. you no what that means. no more ice! we don't have time. no, you're trying to be smart. as usual! maybe you should. mum's not here!!! run!!!!! hold onto me! we have come to see aslan. that's why we are here. he's been captured by the white witch it is my fault really. i was too hard on him. no, that's just it. you're not who i think i am i don't think i will be able. not all of them. get some rest. and edmund try not to wander off again. then you better pack some for the journey you are, i promised i'd keep you three safe but there's no reason i can't stay and help. lucy it's too dangerous. you almost drowned, edmund was almost killed! where are you going? come on ed, sword hand up like oreius showed us. come and take it then. it is true, he's gone i can't no, but i bet they help are you with me? for narnia, and for aslan!!!! fall back! draw them to the rocks! stop! ed! there are too many of them! go! get out of here! get the girls, and get them home! edmund!! when are you ever going to do are you're told? what is this? not again these aren't branches. you wouldn't believe us if we told you