lucy, come on! lucy! peter! the professor knew we were coming? wars don't last forever, lucy. we'll be home soon. isn't time you were in bed? gas-tro-vas-cu-lar. yes. does this mean i win? the only wood in here is the back of the wardrobe. that's enough well, that was nicely handled! oh lucy, you've been dreaming. it's our sister sir, lucy. yes sir, she's upset. she thinks she's found a magical land in the upstairs wardrobe. like talking to a lunatic! well, logically it couldn't possibly be there! besides, we can all use the fresh air. listen, mrs. macready is coming you have got to be joking. get back! impossible! maybe we should go back we can't just walk around in these clothes! peter, they don't belong to us. peter what is that on the wall? now we should really go. these are the police! did that bird just 'psst' us? peter, we don't know what you are doing. he's a beaver. he shouldn't be saying anything! you're blaming us? you know that doesn't really rhyme. we're from finchley! thank you for your hospitality. this is all your fault! none of this would have happened if you had just listened to me in the first place! i didn't know what would happen. what is she doing? do you think we should bring jam? what happened to them? you're leaving? we are not planning fighting any witch river? smaller. i thought there was no christmas in narnia. what happened to, 'battles are ugly affairs?' thanks. wait, maybe we should think about this. i was just trying to be realistic if mum knew what we were doing. stop peter, maybe we should listen to him! look, just because some man in a red suit hands you a sword doesn't make you a hero! so just drop it! what have you done?! why are they all staring at us? we had a little trouble along the way. we all were. mother hasn't had a dress like this since before the war if we go home. sorry i guess i am like that. remember when we use to have fun? oh really how are you feeling? so were going home? well i guess that's it then. *gets up* to get in some practice. please, aslan. couldn't we come with you? it's too late. he's gone. i'm sure he knew what he was doing. lucy there's not time. we have to tell the others. we should go. what have they done? we saw the witch, the knife. we sent the word that you were dead. peter and edmund would have gone to war. mr tumnus!!!! where's edmund? edmund! come on ed. you girls stay at the castle, i'll go get the stag myself. it seems like a dream. there coats