uh, ch. gk, ch huh, um, n. n. no, i. i. i didn't want to scare you, why, i'm a faun! and you must be some beardless dwarf? but you're saying, you're a daughter of eve? yes, but you are, in fact, human. what are you doing here? spare oom, is that in narnia? my dear girl, you're in it! everything from the lamp post, all the way to castle cair paravel on the eastern sea, every stick and stone, every icicle, is narnia, i'm sorry, please allow me to introduce myself, my name is tumnus why? lucy pevensie, from the shining city of war drobe in the far land of spare oom, how would it be if you came and had tea with me? oh, come on! it's not every day i get to make a new friend! and there's a. roaring fire! and toast and cakes! and maybe. we'll even break into the sardines. by the bucket load, come along. why thank you! oh. that is my father. no, were not alike at all really. my father went away to war too. but that was a very long time ago. before this dreadful winter. we haven't had christmas in a hundred years here. but, oh, you would have loved narnia in spring! the dryads and the fauns would dance all night. but we never got tired. and oh, the music! such music. would you. like to hear some now? now, are you familiar with the narnia lullabies? good, because this probably won't sound anything like one. it's too late for that now i'm such a bad faun then i'm afraid you've had a very poor sampling. it's not something i have done, lucy pevensie. it's something i'm doing. i'm kidnapping you. it's the white witch, the one that makes it always winter, and never christmas. she told me that i if i ever was to come across a son of adam or a daughter of eve, i am supposed to turn it over to her! we must move quietly the woods are full of her spies, even some of the trees are on her side we'll see him again. in time. you mustn't press him, he isn't a tame lion. here i think you need this more than i do.